Date Field:

NOTE: We've made the time picker well customizable - scroll speed, time incremental interval (currently set to 5 min) and even the ":" and " " between the time can be replaced or localized easily in the plugins_time.js (simply find them at the top of time picker section).
NOTE: To use 24 hours time format, simply go set the "_is24H" option in the plugins_time.js to true.
NOTE: To include "seconds" in the time format, please modify the name and id of the iframe calendar tag to use plugins_timeSec.js instead of plugins_time.js.
NOTE: To make it a time-only picker, simply go set the "gbHideTop" and "gbHideCalMiddle" in plugins_time.js to true (uncomment the 2 preset statements at the top of time picker section).
NOTE: To pre-select today as the default date, set the gdSelect option in datetime.js to gToday. e.g. var gdSelect=gToday;

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