-- -------------------------------------------------------- -- Host: -- Server version: 10.1.21-MariaDB - mariadb.org binary distribution -- Server OS: Win32 -- HeidiSQL Version: -- -------------------------------------------------------- /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */; /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8mb4 */; /*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */; /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */; -- Dumping database structure for i3d_reseller_m3tech CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `i3d_reseller_m3tech` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 */; USE `i3d_reseller_m3tech`; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.apk CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `apk` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `country_code` varchar(3) DEFAULT NULL, `client_code` varchar(5) DEFAULT NULL, `apk_name` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, `apk_version` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `apk_size` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `apk_filename` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, `apk_file_path` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, `status` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, `remark` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, `date_create` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `client` (`client_code`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=17 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.apk: 0 rows /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `apk` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `apk` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.apk_manager_log CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `apk_manager_log` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `country_code` varchar(3) DEFAULT NULL, `client_code` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `android_id` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `mac_address` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `apk_file_name` varchar(55) DEFAULT NULL, `status` varchar(11) DEFAULT NULL, `datetime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.apk_manager_log: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `apk_manager_log` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `apk_manager_log` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.clients CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `clients` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `code` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(35) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Company name or Person in charge', `client_status_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `reseller_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `address` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `postcode` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `city` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `country` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `phone_number` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `logo` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, `status` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `reseller_fk` (`reseller_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=195 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.clients: ~16 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `clients` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `clients` (`id`, `code`, `name`, `client_status_id`, `reseller_id`, `address`, `postcode`, `city`, `country`, `phone_number`, `logo`, `date_created`, `date_modified`, `status`) VALUES (1, '101', 'ShowDC', 1, 2, '', '', 'Bangkok', 'Thailand', '03-00000000', '', '2016-12-01 12:32:08', '2017-08-22 15:29:01', 0), (161, '0104', 'I3D Support', 1, 1, 'New', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '', '2017-03-20 17:17:58', '2017-08-22 15:28:47', 0), (167, '0162', 'Testing Camera v2', 1, 4, 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '', '2017-04-14 09:11:30', '2017-08-22 15:29:11', 0), (169, '0168', 'Zul', 1, 4, 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '', '2017-04-14 09:21:26', '2017-04-14 09:21:38', 0), (171, '0170', 'Azrulnizam Zul Azreen', 1, 5, 'No 48 Jalan PP13 Taman Pinggiran Putra', '43300', 'Seri Kembangan', 'Malaysia', '139136169', '', '2017-04-20 14:53:52', '2017-04-20 14:53:52', 0), (173, '0172', 'Testing Camera Installer', 1, 4, 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '', '2017-04-21 13:38:49', '2017-04-21 13:39:27', 0), (174, '0174', 'Testing Diyanah', 1, 5, 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', 'mlh', '2017-08-17 17:03:04', '2017-08-17 17:03:04', 0), (175, '0175', 'Test', 1, 2, 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '', '2017-09-12 18:25:55', '2017-09-12 18:25:55', 1), (176, '0176', 'Yanaa', 1, 2, 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '', '2017-09-15 17:07:06', '2017-09-15 17:07:06', 1), (177, '0177', 'Didiy Diyanah', 1, 2, 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '', '2017-09-27 17:33:10', '2017-09-27 17:33:10', 1), (178, '0178', 'test', 2, 2, 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '', '2017-09-27 17:35:39', '2017-09-27 17:35:39', 1), (179, '0179', 'Didiy Diyanah', 1, 2, 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '', '2017-09-27 17:43:45', '2017-09-27 17:43:45', 1), (180, '0180', 'Test User', 1, 6, 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '', '2017-10-10 18:19:48', '2017-10-10 18:19:48', 1), (192, '0192', 'yana', 2, 2, 'mlh', '23000', 'pj', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '', '2017-12-07 15:35:47', '2017-12-07 15:35:47', 1), (193, '0193', 'All plugin', 1, 2, 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling jaya', 'Malaysia', '0199117851', '', '2017-12-13 12:33:09', '2017-12-13 12:33:09', 1), (194, '0194', 'Test Plugin', 1, 2, 'mlh', '47410', 'mlh', 'Malaysia', '0199117851', '', '2017-12-18 11:09:31', '2017-12-18 11:09:31', 1); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `clients` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.clients_plugins CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `clients_plugins` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `client_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `plugin_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.clients_plugins: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `clients_plugins` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `clients_plugins` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.client_cmscameras CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `client_cmscameras` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `client_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `cms_server` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `database_server` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `cms_url` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `cms_domain` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `cms_path` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `database_name` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `database_user` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `database_password` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `status` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, `remark` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `client_id` (`client_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=14 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.client_cmscameras: ~11 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `client_cmscameras` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `client_cmscameras` (`id`, `client_id`, `cms_server`, `database_server`, `cms_url`, `cms_domain`, `cms_path`, `database_name`, `database_user`, `database_password`, `status`, `date_created`, `date_modified`, `remark`) VALUES (1, 167, 'fmt.i3display.com', 'localhost', 'http://fmt.i3display.com/camera_app/cms/0162', 'fmt.i3display.com', 'camera_app/cms/0162', 'camera_app_0162', 'uaweRT3z', '0&@a$nnMx5q', 'COMPLETED', '2017-04-14 09:11:31', '2017-04-14 09:11:31', ''), (3, 169, 'fmt.i3display.com', 'localhost', 'http://fmt.i3display.com/camera_app/cms/0168', 'fmt.i3display.com', 'camera_app/cms/0168', 'camera_app_0168', 'uaweRT3z', '0&@a$nnMx5q', 'COMPLETED', '2017-04-14 09:21:26', '2017-04-14 09:21:26', ''), (5, 173, 'fmt.i3display.com', 'localhost', 'http://fmt.i3display.com/camera_app/cms/0172', 'fmt.i3display.com', 'camera_app/cms/0172', 'camera_app_0172', 'uaweRT3z', '0&@a$nnMx5q', 'COMPLETED', '2017-04-21 13:38:49', '2017-04-21 13:38:49', ''), (6, 176, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/i3Camera_CMS/cms/0176', 'localhost', 'i3Camera_CMS/cms/0176', 'camera_app_0176', 'root', '', 'COMPLETED', '2017-09-15 17:07:09', '2017-09-15 17:09:34', ''), (7, 177, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/i3Camera_CMS/cms/0177', 'localhost', 'i3Camera_CMS/cms/0177', 'camera_app_0177', 'root', '', 'NEWS', '2017-09-27 17:33:13', '2017-12-13 12:46:55', ''), (8, 178, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/i3Camera_CMS/cms/0178', 'localhost', 'i3Camera_CMS/cms/0178', 'camera_app_0178', 'root', '', 'NEWS', '2017-09-27 17:35:39', '2017-09-27 17:35:39', ''), (9, 179, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/i3Camera_CMS/cms/0179', 'localhost', 'i3Camera_CMS/cms/0179', 'camera_app_0179', 'root', '', 'NEWS', '2017-09-27 17:43:45', '2017-09-27 17:43:45', ''), (10, 180, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/i3Camera_CMS/cms/0180', 'localhost', 'i3Camera_CMS/cms/0180', 'camera_app_0180', 'root', '', 'NEWS', '2017-10-10 18:19:50', '2017-10-10 18:19:50', ''), (11, 191, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/i3Camera_CMS/cms/0191', 'localhost', 'i3Camera_CMS/cms/0191', 'camera_app_0191', 'root', '', 'NEWS', '2017-12-07 15:32:17', '2017-12-07 15:32:17', ''), (12, 193, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/camera_app/cms/0193', 'localhost', 'camera_app/cms/0193', 'camera_app_0193', 'root', '', 'COMPLETED', '2017-12-13 12:33:12', '2017-12-13 15:20:21', ''), (13, 194, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/camera_app/cms/0194', 'localhost', 'camera_app/cms/0194', 'camera_app_0194', 'root', '', 'NEW', '2017-12-18 11:09:35', '2017-12-18 11:09:35', ''); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `client_cmscameras` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.client_cmses CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `client_cmses` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `client_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `cms_server` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `database_server` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `cms_url` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `cms_domain` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `cms_path` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `database_name` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `database_user` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `database_password` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `status` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, `remark` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `client_id` (`client_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=79 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.client_cmses: ~10 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `client_cmses` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `client_cmses` (`id`, `client_id`, `cms_server`, `database_server`, `cms_url`, `cms_domain`, `cms_path`, `database_name`, `database_user`, `database_password`, `status`, `date_created`, `date_modified`, `remark`) VALUES (69, 175, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/content/0175', 'localhost', 'content/0175', 'fmt_v3_0175', 'root', '', 'COMPLETED', '2017-09-12 18:25:57', '2017-09-12 20:00:26', ''), (70, 176, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/content/0176', 'localhost', 'content/0176', 'fmt_v3_0176', 'root', '', 'IN PROGRESS', '2017-09-15 17:07:09', '2017-09-15 17:07:09', ''), (71, 177, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/content/0177', 'localhost', 'content/0177', 'fmt_v3_0177', 'root', '', 'IN PROGRESS', '2017-09-27 17:33:13', '2017-10-24 14:31:25', ''), (72, 178, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/content/0178', 'localhost', 'content/0178', 'fmt_v3_0178', 'root', '', 'IN PROGRESS', '2017-09-27 17:35:39', '2017-09-27 17:35:39', ''), (73, 179, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/content/0179', 'localhost', 'content/0179', 'fmt_v3_0179', 'root', '', 'COMPLETED', '2017-09-27 17:43:45', '2017-09-27 17:43:45', ''), (74, 180, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/content/0180', 'localhost', 'content/0180', 'fmt_v3_0180', 'root', '', 'COMPLETED', '2017-10-10 18:19:50', '2017-10-10 18:19:50', ''), (75, 191, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/content/0191', 'localhost', 'content/0191', 'fmt_v3_0191', 'root', '', 'COMPLETED', '2017-12-07 15:32:18', '2017-12-07 15:32:18', ''), (76, 192, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/content/0192', 'localhost', 'content/0192', 'fmt_v3_0192', 'root', '', 'x', '2017-12-07 15:35:47', '2017-12-07 15:35:47', ''), (77, 193, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/content/0193', 'localhost', 'content/0193', 'fmt_v3_0193', 'root', '', 'COMPLETED', '2017-12-13 12:33:13', '2017-12-13 12:33:13', ''), (78, 194, 'localhost', 'localhost', 'http://localhost/content/0194', 'localhost', 'content/0194', 'fmt_v3_0194', 'root', '', 'COMPLETED', '2017-12-18 11:09:36', '2017-12-18 11:20:24', ''); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `client_cmses` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.client_histories CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `client_histories` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `client_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `client_history_type_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `client_status_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `client_fk` (`client_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.client_histories: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `client_histories` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `client_histories` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.client_history_types CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `client_history_types` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.client_history_types: ~5 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `client_history_types` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `client_history_types` (`id`, `name`, `description`) VALUES (1, 'Register', ''), (2, 'Installed', ''), (3, 'Renewal Notice', ''), (4, 'Renewed', ''), (5, 'Subscription Expired', ''); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `client_history_types` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.client_statuses CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `client_statuses` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.client_statuses: ~4 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `client_statuses` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `client_statuses` (`id`, `name`, `description`) VALUES (1, 'ACTIVE', 'This client should have app running normally'), (2, 'PENDING', 'Pending approval'), (3, 'DISABLED', 'Account is disabled'), (4, 'TERMINATED', 'Client is terminated'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `client_statuses` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.client_subscriptions CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `client_subscriptions` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `client_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `package_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `subscription_type_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `start` date NOT NULL, `end` date NOT NULL, `added_by` int(11) NOT NULL, `last_notification_type_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `renew_status` int(11) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `client_fk` (`client_id`), KEY `reseller_fk` (`package_id`), KEY `subscription_type_fk` (`subscription_type_id`), KEY `users_fk` (`added_by`), KEY `start` (`start`), KEY `end` (`end`), KEY `last_notification_type_id` (`last_notification_type_id`,`renew_status`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=42 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Clients subscription information'; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.client_subscriptions: ~26 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `client_subscriptions` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `client_subscriptions` (`id`, `client_id`, `package_id`, `subscription_type_id`, `start`, `end`, `added_by`, `last_notification_type_id`, `renew_status`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, 171, 1, 0, '2017-08-22', '2017-08-23', 1, 0, 0, '2017-08-22 11:09:28', '2017-09-12 11:26:52'), (15, 171, 10, 0, '2017-08-22', '2017-11-22', 1, 0, 0, '2017-08-22 11:58:40', '2017-08-22 11:58:40'), (18, 1, 1, 0, '2017-08-22', '2017-08-30', 1, 0, 0, '2017-08-22 12:08:04', '2017-08-22 12:08:04'), (19, 175, 3, 0, '2017-09-12', '2017-08-12', 1, 0, 0, '2017-09-12 18:25:55', '2017-09-12 18:25:55'), (20, 175, 5, 0, '2017-09-12', '2018-09-12', 1, 0, 0, '2017-09-12 19:33:57', '2017-09-12 19:33:57'), (21, 176, 4, 0, '2017-09-15', '2018-09-15', 1, 0, 0, '2017-09-15 17:07:06', '2017-09-15 17:07:06'), (22, 177, 5, 0, '2017-09-27', '2018-09-27', 1, 0, 0, '2017-09-27 17:33:10', '2017-09-27 17:33:10'), (23, 178, 4, 0, '2017-09-27', '2018-09-27', 1, 0, 0, '2017-09-27 17:35:39', '2017-09-27 17:35:39'), (24, 179, 4, 0, '2017-09-27', '2018-09-27', 1, 0, 0, '2017-09-27 17:43:45', '2017-09-27 17:43:45'), (25, 180, 4, 0, '2017-10-10', '2017-10-20', 6, 0, 0, '2017-10-10 18:19:48', '2017-10-10 18:19:48'), (26, 103, 3, 0, '2017-10-10', '2017-12-10', 1, 0, 0, '2017-10-10 18:19:48', '2017-10-10 18:19:48'), (27, 181, 5, 0, '2017-12-07', '2017-12-07', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-07 15:09:48', '2017-12-07 15:09:48'), (28, 182, 5, 0, '2017-12-07', '2018-12-07', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-07 15:11:26', '2017-12-07 15:11:26'), (29, 183, 5, 0, '2017-12-07', '2018-12-07', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-07 15:13:28', '2017-12-07 15:13:28'), (30, 184, 5, 0, '2017-12-07', '2018-12-07', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-07 15:13:55', '2017-12-07 15:13:55'), (31, 185, 5, 0, '2017-12-07', '2018-12-07', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-07 15:15:15', '2017-12-07 15:15:15'), (32, 186, 5, 0, '2017-12-07', '2018-12-07', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-07 15:16:24', '2017-12-07 15:16:24'), (33, 187, 5, 0, '2017-12-07', '2018-12-07', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-07 15:17:01', '2017-12-07 15:17:01'), (34, 188, 5, 0, '2017-12-07', '2018-12-07', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-07 15:17:31', '2017-12-07 15:17:31'), (35, 189, 5, 0, '2017-12-07', '2018-12-07', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-07 15:27:39', '2017-12-07 15:27:39'), (36, 190, 5, 0, '2017-12-07', '2018-12-07', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-07 15:31:15', '2017-12-07 15:31:15'), (37, 191, 5, 0, '2017-12-07', '2018-12-07', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-07 15:32:17', '2017-12-07 15:32:17'), (38, 192, 4, 0, '2017-12-07', '2018-12-07', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-07 15:35:47', '2017-12-07 15:35:47'), (39, 193, 6, 0, '2017-12-13', '2018-12-13', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-13 12:33:09', '2017-12-13 12:33:09'), (40, 194, 7, 0, '2017-12-18', '2018-12-18', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-18 11:09:31', '2017-12-18 11:09:31'), (41, 1, 7, 0, '2017-12-27', '2018-12-27', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-27 14:21:04', '2017-12-27 14:21:04'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `client_subscriptions` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.cmsmenus CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cmsmenus` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `menu_group_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `parent_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `icon` varchar(25) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `name` varchar(75) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `link_base` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `link_parameters` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=75 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.cmsmenus: ~52 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cmsmenus` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `cmsmenus` (`id`, `menu_group_id`, `parent_id`, `ordering`, `icon`, `name`, `description`, `link_base`, `link_parameters`) VALUES (1, 1, 0, 1, 'fa fa-address-book-o text', 'User Management', 'User Management', 'useradmin.php', ''), (2, 1, 1, 1, 'fa fa-user-plus text-gree', 'Add User', 'Add User', 'useradmin.php', 'mode=add'), (3, 1, 1, 2, 'fa fa-list', 'List User', 'List User', 'useradmin.php', 'mode=list'), (4, 1, 0, 2, '', 'Company Profile', 'Company Profile', 'client.php', ''), (5, 1, 4, 1, '', 'Update Profile', 'Update Profile', 'client.php', ''), (6, 2, 0, 1, '', 'Channels', 'i3D content channels', 'channel.php', ''), (7, 2, 6, 2, '', 'Channel List', 'i3D content channels list', 'channel.php', 'action=list&types=1'), (8, 2, 6, 1, '', 'Add Channel', 'Add a new channel', 'channel.php', 'action=new&types=1'), (9, 2, 0, 3, '', 'Interactive', '', '', ''), (10, 2, 9, 1, '', 'Pages Content', '', 'page_flow.php', 'channel_id=[CHANNEL_ID]'), (11, 1, 6, 2, '', 'Add Plug-in', '', 'plugin.php', 'channel_id=[CHANNEL_ID]&action=add'), (12, 800, 0, 3, 'fa fa-institution', 'Mall Directory', '', '', ''), (13, 800, 12, 1, '', 'Building/Section', '', 'mall_area.php', 'plugin_id=[PLUGIN_ID]&action=list'), (14, 800, 12, 2, 'fa fa-align-justify', 'Floor', '', 'mall_floor.php', 'plugin_id=[PLUGIN_ID]&action=list'), (15, 800, 12, 3, 'fa fa-shopping-cart', 'Shop', '', 'mall_shop.php', 'plugin_id=[PLUGIN_ID]&action=list'), (16, 800, 12, 4, 'fa fa-map-marker', 'P.O.I.', '', 'mall_poi.php', 'plugin_id=[PLUGIN_ID]&action=list'), (17, 2, 0, 4, '', 'Advertisements', '', '', ''), (18, 2, 17, 1, '', 'Ads Schedule', '', 'ads_schedule.php', 'channel_id=[CHANNEL_ID]&action=add'), (19, 2, 17, 2, '', 'Upload Ads', '', 'ads.php', 'channel_id=[CHANNEL_ID]&channel_plugin_id=[CHANNEL_PLUGIN_ID]&action=upload'), (20, 2, 0, 2, 'fa fa-book', 'Content Library', '', 'group_content.php', 'action=list'), (21, 2, 20, 3, 'fa fa-clone', 'Content Groups', '', 'group_content.php', 'action=list'), (23, 2, 9, 2, '', 'Add Page', '', 'pages.php', 'channel_id=[CHANNEL_ID]&action=add&type=2'), (24, 1, 0, 6, '', 'Monitoring', '', '', ''), (25, 1, 24, 1, '', 'Device Monitoring', '', 'device.php', ''), (26, 1, 24, 2, '', 'Download Monitoring', '', 'syncstatus.php', 'action=list'), (27, 1, 0, 7, '', 'Statistic', '', 'stat.php', ''), (28, 1, 27, 1, '', 'Statistic', '', 'stat.php', ''), (29, 1, 0, 8, '', 'User Guides', '', '', ''), (30, 1, 29, 1, '', 'Device Manual', '', 'help_readme.php', ''), (31, 1, 29, 2, '', 'CMS User Manual', '', 'help_usermanual.php', ''), (32, 1, 29, 3, '', 'Page Template Guide', '', 'help_template_guideline.php?action=list', ''), (33, 1, 29, 4, '', 'Media Guideline', '', 'help_media_guideline.php?action=list', 'channel_id=[CHANNEL_ID]&channel_plugin_id=[CHANNEL_PLUGIN_ID]&action=add'), (34, 1, 0, 9, '', 'Plugin Management', '', 'plugin.php', ''), (35, 1, 34, 1, '', 'Setup Plug-in', '', 'plugin.php', 'action=setup'), (36, 1, 34, 2, '', 'Plug-in List', '', 'plugin.php', 'action=list'), (38, 600, 0, 10, '', 'List Contents', '', '', ''), (39, 600, 38, 1, '', 'List Contents', '', 'plugin_list_content.php', 'plugin_id=[PLUGIN_ID]&action=list'), (40, 600, 38, 2, '', 'Add Content', '', 'plugin_list_content.php', 'plugin_id=[PLUGIN_ID]&action=add'), (41, 1, 42, 6, '', 'Add Template', 'Manage templates for page and plugin', 'page_template.php', 'action=add'), (42, 1, 0, 11, '', 'Template Management', '', '', ''), (43, 1, 42, 7, '', 'Template List', '', 'page_template.php', ''), (44, 2, 17, 3, '', 'Advertisement List', '', 'page_main.php', 'action=list&type=1'), (45, 2, 9, 3, '', 'Slot Content', 'Slot Content Managemet', 'slot_content.php', 'channel_id=[CHANNEL_ID]'), (48, 2, 20, 1, 'fa fa-cloud-upload ', 'Upload Content (Library)', '', 'library_content.php', 'action=add'), (49, 2, 20, 2, 'fa fa-cloud', 'Content Libraries', '', 'library_content.php', 'action=list'), (51, 800, 12, 5, '', 'Navigation', '', 'mall_navigation.php', 'plugin_id=[PLUGIN_ID]&action=list'), (61, 800, 12, 6, '', 'Floor Route', '', 'mall_route.php', 'plugin_id=[PLUGIN_ID]&action=list'), (63, 1, 42, 9, '', 'Slot Style List', '', 'page_template_slotstyle.php', 'action=list'), (65, 1, 42, 8, '', 'Add Slot Style', '', 'page_template_slotstyle.php', 'action=add'), (66, 2, 6, 3, '', 'Restore Channel', 'i3D restore channels', 'restore.php', 'action=restore'), (67, 2, 6, 4, '', 'Backup History', 'i3D backup channels history', 'channel_history.php', ''), (74, 1, 34, 4, '', 'Selfie CMS', NULL, 'selfie_cms.php', ''); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cmsmenus` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.cmsmenus_permission CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cmsmenus_permission` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `package_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `cmsmenu_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `usergroup_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2703 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.cmsmenus_permission: ~530 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cmsmenus_permission` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `cmsmenus_permission` (`id`, `package_id`, `cmsmenu_id`, `usergroup_id`) VALUES (6, 3, 6, 5), (7, 3, 7, 5), (8, 3, 8, 5), (9, 3, 9, 5), (10, 3, 10, 5), (23, 5, 1, 5), (24, 5, 2, 5), (25, 5, 3, 5), (1865, 6, 1, 5), (1866, 6, 2, 5), (1867, 6, 3, 5), (1868, 6, 4, 5), (1869, 6, 5, 5), (1870, 6, 6, 5), (1871, 6, 7, 5), (1872, 6, 8, 5), (1873, 6, 11, 5), (1874, 6, 66, 5), (1875, 6, 67, 5), (1876, 6, 9, 5), (1877, 6, 10, 5), (1878, 6, 23, 5), (1879, 6, 45, 5), (1880, 6, 12, 5), (1881, 6, 13, 5), (1882, 6, 14, 5), (1883, 6, 15, 5), (1884, 6, 16, 5), (1885, 6, 51, 5), (1886, 6, 61, 5), (1887, 6, 17, 5), (1888, 6, 18, 5), (1889, 6, 19, 5), (1890, 6, 44, 5), (1891, 6, 20, 5), (1892, 6, 21, 5), (1893, 6, 48, 5), (1894, 6, 49, 5), (1895, 6, 24, 5), (1896, 6, 25, 5), (1897, 6, 26, 5), (1898, 6, 27, 5), (1899, 6, 28, 5), (1900, 6, 29, 5), (1901, 6, 30, 5), (1902, 6, 31, 5), (1903, 6, 32, 5), (1904, 6, 33, 5), (1905, 6, 34, 5), (1906, 6, 35, 5), (1907, 6, 36, 5), (1908, 6, 74, 5), (1909, 6, 38, 5), (1910, 6, 39, 5), (1911, 6, 40, 5), (1912, 6, 42, 5), (1913, 6, 41, 5), (1914, 6, 43, 5), (1915, 6, 63, 5), (1916, 6, 65, 5), (1917, 6, 1, 6), (1918, 6, 2, 6), (1919, 6, 3, 6), (1920, 6, 4, 6), (1921, 6, 5, 6), (1922, 6, 6, 6), (1923, 6, 7, 6), (1924, 6, 8, 6), (1925, 6, 11, 6), (1926, 6, 66, 6), (1927, 6, 67, 6), (1928, 6, 9, 6), (1929, 6, 10, 6), (1930, 6, 23, 6), (1931, 6, 45, 6), (1932, 6, 12, 6), (1933, 6, 13, 6), (1934, 6, 14, 6), (1935, 6, 15, 6), (1936, 6, 16, 6), (1937, 6, 51, 6), (1938, 6, 61, 6), (1939, 6, 17, 6), (1940, 6, 18, 6), (1941, 6, 19, 6), (1942, 6, 44, 6), (1943, 6, 20, 6), (1944, 6, 21, 6), (1945, 6, 48, 6), (1946, 6, 49, 6), (1947, 6, 24, 6), (1948, 6, 25, 6), (1949, 6, 26, 6), (1950, 6, 27, 6), (1951, 6, 28, 6), (1952, 6, 29, 6), (1953, 6, 30, 6), (1954, 6, 31, 6), (1955, 6, 32, 6), (1956, 6, 33, 6), (1957, 6, 34, 6), (1958, 6, 35, 6), (1959, 6, 36, 6), (1960, 6, 74, 6), (1961, 6, 38, 6), (1962, 6, 39, 6), (1963, 6, 40, 6), (1964, 6, 42, 6), (1965, 6, 41, 6), (1966, 6, 43, 6), (1967, 6, 63, 6), (1968, 6, 65, 6), (1969, 6, 1, 45), (1970, 6, 2, 45), (1971, 6, 3, 45), (1972, 6, 4, 45), (1973, 6, 5, 45), (1974, 6, 6, 45), (1975, 6, 7, 45), (1976, 6, 8, 45), (1977, 6, 11, 45), (1978, 6, 66, 45), (1979, 6, 67, 45), (1980, 6, 9, 45), (1981, 6, 10, 45), (1982, 6, 23, 45), (1983, 6, 45, 45), (1984, 6, 12, 45), (1985, 6, 13, 45), (1986, 6, 14, 45), (1987, 6, 15, 45), (1988, 6, 16, 45), (1989, 6, 51, 45), (1990, 6, 61, 45), (1991, 6, 17, 45), (1992, 6, 18, 45), (1993, 6, 19, 45), (1994, 6, 44, 45), (1995, 6, 20, 45), (1996, 6, 21, 45), (1997, 6, 48, 45), (1998, 6, 49, 45), (1999, 6, 24, 45), (2000, 6, 25, 45), (2001, 6, 26, 45), (2002, 6, 27, 45), (2003, 6, 28, 45), (2004, 6, 29, 45), (2005, 6, 30, 45), (2006, 6, 31, 45), (2007, 6, 32, 45), (2008, 6, 33, 45), (2009, 6, 34, 45), (2010, 6, 35, 45), (2011, 6, 36, 45), (2012, 6, 38, 45), (2013, 6, 39, 45), (2014, 6, 40, 45), (2015, 6, 42, 45), (2016, 6, 41, 45), (2017, 6, 43, 45), (2018, 6, 63, 45), (2019, 6, 65, 45), (2020, 6, 1, 49), (2021, 6, 2, 49), (2022, 6, 3, 49), (2023, 6, 4, 49), (2024, 6, 5, 49), (2025, 6, 6, 49), (2026, 6, 7, 49), (2027, 6, 8, 49), (2028, 6, 11, 49), (2029, 6, 66, 49), (2030, 6, 67, 49), (2031, 6, 9, 49), (2032, 6, 10, 49), (2033, 6, 23, 49), (2034, 6, 45, 49), (2035, 6, 12, 49), (2036, 6, 13, 49), (2037, 6, 14, 49), (2038, 6, 15, 49), (2039, 6, 16, 49), (2040, 6, 51, 49), (2041, 6, 61, 49), (2042, 6, 17, 49), (2043, 6, 18, 49), (2044, 6, 19, 49), (2045, 6, 44, 49), (2046, 6, 20, 49), (2047, 6, 21, 49), (2048, 6, 48, 49), (2049, 6, 49, 49), (2050, 6, 24, 49), (2051, 6, 25, 49), (2052, 6, 26, 49), (2053, 6, 27, 49), (2054, 6, 28, 49), (2055, 6, 29, 49), (2056, 6, 30, 49), (2057, 6, 31, 49), (2058, 6, 32, 49), (2059, 6, 33, 49), (2060, 6, 34, 49), (2061, 6, 35, 49), (2062, 6, 36, 49), (2063, 6, 38, 49), (2064, 6, 39, 49), (2065, 6, 40, 49), (2066, 6, 42, 49), (2067, 6, 41, 49), (2068, 6, 43, 49), (2069, 6, 63, 49), (2070, 6, 65, 49), (2387, 8, 1, 5), (2388, 8, 2, 5), (2389, 8, 3, 5), (2390, 8, 4, 5), (2391, 8, 5, 5), (2392, 8, 6, 5), (2393, 8, 7, 5), (2394, 8, 8, 5), (2395, 8, 66, 5), (2396, 8, 9, 5), (2397, 8, 10, 5), (2398, 8, 23, 5), (2399, 8, 12, 5), (2400, 8, 14, 5), (2401, 8, 15, 5), (2402, 8, 16, 5), (2403, 8, 51, 5), (2404, 8, 61, 5), (2405, 8, 17, 5), (2406, 8, 44, 5), (2407, 8, 20, 5), (2408, 8, 21, 5), (2409, 8, 48, 5), (2410, 8, 49, 5), (2411, 8, 24, 5), (2412, 8, 25, 5), (2413, 8, 26, 5), (2414, 8, 27, 5), (2415, 8, 28, 5), (2416, 8, 29, 5), (2417, 8, 30, 5), (2418, 8, 31, 5), (2419, 8, 32, 5), (2420, 8, 33, 5), (2421, 8, 34, 5), (2422, 8, 35, 5), (2423, 8, 36, 5), (2424, 8, 74, 5), (2425, 8, 42, 5), (2426, 8, 41, 5), (2427, 8, 43, 5), (2428, 8, 63, 5), (2429, 8, 65, 5), (2430, 8, 1, 6), (2431, 8, 2, 6), (2432, 8, 3, 6), (2433, 8, 4, 6), (2434, 8, 5, 6), (2435, 8, 6, 6), (2436, 8, 7, 6), (2437, 8, 8, 6), (2438, 8, 66, 6), (2439, 8, 9, 6), (2440, 8, 10, 6), (2441, 8, 23, 6), (2442, 8, 12, 6), (2443, 8, 14, 6), (2444, 8, 15, 6), (2445, 8, 16, 6), (2446, 8, 51, 6), (2447, 8, 61, 6), (2448, 8, 17, 6), (2449, 8, 44, 6), (2450, 8, 20, 6), (2451, 8, 21, 6), (2452, 8, 48, 6), (2453, 8, 49, 6), (2454, 8, 24, 6), (2455, 8, 25, 6), (2456, 8, 26, 6), (2457, 8, 27, 6), (2458, 8, 28, 6), (2459, 8, 29, 6), (2460, 8, 30, 6), (2461, 8, 31, 6), (2462, 8, 32, 6), (2463, 8, 33, 6), (2464, 8, 34, 6), (2465, 8, 35, 6), (2466, 8, 36, 6), (2467, 8, 74, 6), (2468, 8, 42, 6), (2469, 8, 41, 6), (2470, 8, 43, 6), (2471, 8, 63, 6), (2472, 8, 65, 6), (2473, 8, 1, 45), (2474, 8, 2, 45), (2475, 8, 3, 45), (2476, 8, 4, 45), (2477, 8, 5, 45), (2478, 8, 6, 45), (2479, 8, 7, 45), (2480, 8, 8, 45), (2481, 8, 66, 45), (2482, 8, 9, 45), (2483, 8, 10, 45), (2484, 8, 23, 45), (2485, 8, 12, 45), (2486, 8, 14, 45), (2487, 8, 15, 45), (2488, 8, 16, 45), (2489, 8, 51, 45), (2490, 8, 61, 45), (2491, 8, 17, 45), (2492, 8, 44, 45), (2493, 8, 20, 45), (2494, 8, 21, 45), (2495, 8, 48, 45), (2496, 8, 49, 45), (2497, 8, 24, 45), (2498, 8, 25, 45), (2499, 8, 26, 45), (2500, 8, 27, 45), (2501, 8, 28, 45), (2502, 8, 29, 45), (2503, 8, 30, 45), (2504, 8, 31, 45), (2505, 8, 32, 45), (2506, 8, 33, 45), (2507, 8, 34, 45), (2508, 8, 35, 45), (2509, 8, 36, 45), (2510, 8, 74, 45), (2511, 8, 42, 45), (2512, 8, 41, 45), (2513, 8, 43, 45), (2514, 8, 63, 45), (2515, 8, 65, 45), (2516, 8, 1, 49), (2517, 8, 2, 49), (2518, 8, 3, 49), (2519, 8, 4, 49), (2520, 8, 5, 49), (2521, 8, 6, 49), (2522, 8, 7, 49), (2523, 8, 8, 49), (2524, 8, 66, 49), (2525, 8, 9, 49), (2526, 8, 10, 49), (2527, 8, 23, 49), (2528, 8, 12, 49), (2529, 8, 14, 49), (2530, 8, 15, 49), (2531, 8, 16, 49), (2532, 8, 51, 49), (2533, 8, 61, 49), (2534, 8, 17, 49), (2535, 8, 44, 49), (2536, 8, 20, 49), (2537, 8, 21, 49), (2538, 8, 48, 49), (2539, 8, 49, 49), (2540, 8, 24, 49), (2541, 8, 25, 49), (2542, 8, 26, 49), (2543, 8, 27, 49), (2544, 8, 28, 49), (2545, 8, 29, 49), (2546, 8, 30, 49), (2547, 8, 31, 49), (2548, 8, 32, 49), (2549, 8, 33, 49), (2550, 8, 34, 49), (2551, 8, 35, 49), (2552, 8, 36, 49), (2553, 8, 74, 49), (2554, 8, 42, 49), (2555, 8, 41, 49), (2556, 8, 43, 49), (2557, 8, 63, 49), (2558, 8, 65, 49), (2559, 7, 1, 5), (2560, 7, 2, 5), (2561, 7, 3, 5), (2562, 7, 4, 5), (2563, 7, 5, 5), (2564, 7, 6, 5), (2565, 7, 7, 5), (2566, 7, 8, 5), (2567, 7, 66, 5), (2568, 7, 9, 5), (2569, 7, 10, 5), (2570, 7, 23, 5), (2571, 7, 17, 5), (2572, 7, 44, 5), (2573, 7, 20, 5), (2574, 7, 21, 5), (2575, 7, 48, 5), (2576, 7, 49, 5), (2577, 7, 24, 5), (2578, 7, 25, 5), (2579, 7, 26, 5), (2580, 7, 27, 5), (2581, 7, 28, 5), (2582, 7, 29, 5), (2583, 7, 30, 5), (2584, 7, 31, 5), (2585, 7, 32, 5), (2586, 7, 33, 5), (2587, 7, 34, 5), (2588, 7, 35, 5), (2589, 7, 36, 5), (2590, 7, 42, 5), (2591, 7, 41, 5), (2592, 7, 43, 5), (2593, 7, 63, 5), (2594, 7, 65, 5), (2595, 7, 1, 6), (2596, 7, 2, 6), (2597, 7, 3, 6), (2598, 7, 4, 6), (2599, 7, 5, 6), (2600, 7, 6, 6), (2601, 7, 7, 6), (2602, 7, 8, 6), (2603, 7, 66, 6), (2604, 7, 9, 6), (2605, 7, 10, 6), (2606, 7, 23, 6), (2607, 7, 17, 6), (2608, 7, 44, 6), (2609, 7, 20, 6), (2610, 7, 21, 6), (2611, 7, 48, 6), (2612, 7, 49, 6), (2613, 7, 24, 6), (2614, 7, 25, 6), (2615, 7, 26, 6), (2616, 7, 27, 6), (2617, 7, 28, 6), (2618, 7, 29, 6), (2619, 7, 30, 6), (2620, 7, 31, 6), (2621, 7, 32, 6), (2622, 7, 33, 6), (2623, 7, 34, 6), (2624, 7, 35, 6), (2625, 7, 36, 6), (2626, 7, 42, 6), (2627, 7, 41, 6), (2628, 7, 43, 6), (2629, 7, 63, 6), (2630, 7, 65, 6), (2631, 7, 1, 45), (2632, 7, 2, 45), (2633, 7, 3, 45), (2634, 7, 4, 45), (2635, 7, 5, 45), (2636, 7, 6, 45), (2637, 7, 7, 45), (2638, 7, 8, 45), (2639, 7, 66, 45), (2640, 7, 9, 45), (2641, 7, 10, 45), (2642, 7, 23, 45), (2643, 7, 17, 45), (2644, 7, 44, 45), (2645, 7, 20, 45), (2646, 7, 21, 45), (2647, 7, 48, 45), (2648, 7, 49, 45), (2649, 7, 24, 45), (2650, 7, 25, 45), (2651, 7, 26, 45), (2652, 7, 27, 45), (2653, 7, 28, 45), (2654, 7, 29, 45), (2655, 7, 30, 45), (2656, 7, 31, 45), (2657, 7, 32, 45), (2658, 7, 33, 45), (2659, 7, 34, 45), (2660, 7, 35, 45), (2661, 7, 36, 45), (2662, 7, 42, 45), (2663, 7, 41, 45), (2664, 7, 43, 45), (2665, 7, 63, 45), (2666, 7, 65, 45), (2667, 7, 1, 49), (2668, 7, 2, 49), (2669, 7, 3, 49), (2670, 7, 4, 49), (2671, 7, 5, 49), (2672, 7, 6, 49), (2673, 7, 7, 49), (2674, 7, 8, 49), (2675, 7, 66, 49), (2676, 7, 9, 49), (2677, 7, 10, 49), (2678, 7, 23, 49), (2679, 7, 17, 49), (2680, 7, 44, 49), (2681, 7, 20, 49), (2682, 7, 21, 49), (2683, 7, 48, 49), (2684, 7, 49, 49), (2685, 7, 24, 49), (2686, 7, 25, 49), (2687, 7, 26, 49), (2688, 7, 27, 49), (2689, 7, 28, 49), (2690, 7, 29, 49), (2691, 7, 30, 49), (2692, 7, 31, 49), (2693, 7, 32, 49), (2694, 7, 33, 49), (2695, 7, 34, 49), (2696, 7, 35, 49), (2697, 7, 36, 49), (2698, 7, 42, 49), (2699, 7, 41, 49), (2700, 7, 43, 49), (2701, 7, 63, 49), (2702, 7, 65, 49); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cmsmenus_permission` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.cmsplugins CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cmsplugins` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `cmsplugintype_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.cmsplugins: ~1 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cmsplugins` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `cmsplugins` (`id`, `cmsplugintype_id`, `name`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, 8, 'Mall Directory 1', '2016-11-17 17:50:07', '2016-11-17 17:50:07'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cmsplugins` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.cmsplugintypes CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `cmsplugintypes` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `plugin_value` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, `status` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `plugin_type` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `setup_required` tinyint(4) NOT NULL, `remark` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, `template_refs` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=10 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.cmsplugintypes: ~8 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cmsplugintypes` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `cmsplugintypes` (`id`, `name`, `plugin_value`, `status`, `plugin_type`, `setup_required`, `remark`, `template_refs`) VALUES (1, 'WEB_BROWSER', 'com.m3.fmt3::.plugin.WebBrowser', 1, 'OPEN_PAGE', 0, 'Open web URL from page contents', NULL), (2, 'SELFIE', 'com.i3display.selfie2::com.i3display.selfie2.activity.CameraLauncher', 1, 'OPEN_PAGE', 1, 'Open Camera App from any page contents', NULL), (3, 'NEWS', NULL, 0, 'BUILT_IN', 1, 'News from bernama', NULL), (4, 'SCROLLING_TEXT', NULL, 1, 'BUILT_IN', 0, 'Simple scrolling text with simple scheduling support', NULL), (5, 'PAGE', NULL, 1, 'BUILT_IN', 0, 'Intaractive page content', NULL), (6, 'LIST_AND_DETAIL', NULL, 1, 'SLOT', 1, 'Simple upload list of items and click to display detail (if available)', NULL), (8, 'MALL_DIRECTORY', NULL, 1, 'SLOT', 1, 'Mall/Area/Floor/Shop Management', 'MALL_FLOOR,SHOP_DETAIL'), (9, 'i3SOS', NULL, 1, 'OPEN_PAGE', 1, NULL, NULL); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `cmsplugintypes` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.devices CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `devices` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `code` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `product_key_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `mac_address` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `android_id` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `android_serial_no` varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL, `os_version` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `chipset` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `orientation` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `client_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `channel_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `approval_status` int(11) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `mac_address` (`mac_address`), UNIQUE KEY `code` (`code`), KEY `product_key_fk` (`product_key_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.devices: ~1 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `devices` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `devices` (`id`, `code`, `product_key_id`, `mac_address`, `android_id`, `android_serial_no`, `os_version`, `chipset`, `orientation`, `client_id`, `channel_id`, `approval_status`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, '0002-QLZL-WCNE-R4MF', 17, 'null/44:2C:05:A8:37:C3', 'bbe2b33317f2d4e0', 'AVRZXYKYH4', '19', 'rockchip/ZY_rk30sdk/rk30sdk/armv7l/4x', 'VERTICAL', 171, NULL, 1, '2017-12-27 14:43:40', NULL); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `devices` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.device_locations CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `device_locations` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `device_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `building` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `road` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `district` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `city` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `state` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `country` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `longitude` decimal(11,8) NOT NULL, `latitude` decimal(10,8) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.device_locations: ~1 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `device_locations` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `device_locations` (`id`, `device_id`, `building`, `road`, `district`, `city`, `state`, `country`, `longitude`, `latitude`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (3, 31, 'Menara Lien Hoe', 'Pj', 'Tropicana', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Selangor', 'Malaysia', 3.13053640, 99.99999999, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `device_locations` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.device_location_logs CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `device_location_logs` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `device_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `building` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `road` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `district` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `city` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `state` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `country` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `longitude` decimal(11,8) NOT NULL, `latitude` decimal(10,8) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.device_location_logs: ~2 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `device_location_logs` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `device_location_logs` (`id`, `device_id`, `building`, `road`, `district`, `city`, `state`, `country`, `longitude`, `latitude`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (3, 31, 'Menara Lien Hoe', 'Pj', 'Tropicana', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Selangor', 'Malaysia', 3.13053640, 99.99999999, '2016-12-18 17:12:11', '2016-12-18 17:12:11'), (4, 31, 'Menara Lien Hoe', 'Pj', 'Tropicana', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Selangor', 'Malaysia', 3.13053640, 99.99999999, '2016-12-18 17:24:04', '2016-12-18 17:24:04'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `device_location_logs` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.device_statuses CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `device_statuses` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `device_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `client_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `channel_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `version_no` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `local_ip` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `public_ip` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `last_sync` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'Last sync must be same with channel last_update', `sync_status` int(11) NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `device_fk` (`device_id`), KEY `status` (`sync_status`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=290 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.device_statuses: ~69 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `device_statuses` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `device_statuses` (`id`, `device_id`, `client_id`, `channel_id`, `version_no`, `local_ip`, `public_ip`, `last_sync`, `sync_status`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, 33, 1, 1, '10.2.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-03-10 21:20:43', 1, '2017-03-14 14:42:24'), (2, 34, 1, 1, '7.0.8', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-01-12 10:56:32', 1, '2017-01-12 14:58:09'), (3, 35, 1, 1, '7.0.5', 'wlan0: ', '', '2016-12-21 13:49:38', 1, '2016-12-21 22:18:10'), (4, 36, 1, 1, '7.0.8', 'wlan0: ', '', '2016-12-29 10:49:38', 2, '2017-01-06 17:33:11'), (5, 37, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-19 11:05:17', 2, '2017-04-25 12:13:53'), (6, 38, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-04-25 11:28:57', 1, '2017-04-25 12:32:13'), (7, 39, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-04-25 11:28:57', 1, '2017-04-25 12:11:16'), (8, 40, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-24 18:40:30', 2, '2017-04-25 11:45:39'), (9, 41, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-24 14:55:35', 2, '2017-04-25 12:39:09'), (10, 42, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-04-25 11:28:57', 1, '2017-04-26 14:30:35'), (11, 43, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-04-24 14:55:35', 2, '2017-04-25 13:16:05'), (12, 44, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-04-24 14:55:35', 2, '2017-04-25 12:45:07'), (13, 45, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-25 11:28:57', 1, '2017-04-25 12:52:32'), (14, 46, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-19 11:05:17', 1, '2017-04-19 13:15:10'), (15, 47, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-04-25 11:28:57', 1, '2017-04-25 13:06:21'), (16, 48, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-04-24 14:55:35', 2, '2017-04-25 12:55:50'), (17, 49, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-25 11:28:57', 1, '2017-04-25 11:50:07'), (18, 50, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-24 14:55:35', 2, '2017-04-25 12:58:59'), (19, 51, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-04-25 11:28:57', 1, '2017-04-25 13:27:00'), (20, 52, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-04-25 11:28:57', 1, '2017-04-25 13:20:58'), (21, 53, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-04-19 22:41:15', 2, '2017-04-25 12:34:29'), (22, 54, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-04-24 14:55:35', 2, '2017-04-25 13:12:46'), (23, 55, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-25 11:28:57', 1, '2017-04-25 12:26:41'), (24, 56, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-24 14:55:35', 2, '2017-04-25 13:09:31'), (25, 57, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-24 14:55:35', 2, '2017-04-25 14:11:35'), (26, 32, 1, 1, '10.3.4', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-25 11:28:57', 1, '2017-04-26 14:24:16'), (27, 58, 1, 1, '7.0.8', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-01-16 17:53:38', 1, '2017-01-17 09:11:49'), (28, 59, 1, 1, '7.0.8', 'rmnet0: ', '', '2017-04-25 11:28:57', 1, '2017-04-26 14:21:28'), (29, 60, 1, 1, '7.0.8', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-01-12 10:56:32', 1, '2017-01-12 15:00:54'), (30, 61, 1, 1, '7.0.8', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-01-06 11:43:33', 1, '2017-01-06 12:30:11'), (31, 62, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-25 11:28:57', 1, '2017-04-26 14:22:12'), (32, 63, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-04-25 11:28:57', 1, '2017-04-25 12:22:38'), (33, 64, 1, 1, '10.3.3', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-25 11:28:57', 1, '2017-04-26 14:30:12'), (34, 65, 1, 1, '10.3.3', '', '', '2017-04-25 11:28:57', 1, '2017-04-26 12:22:54'), (35, 66, 1, 1, '7.0.8', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-01-23 18:24:28', 1, '2017-01-24 12:27:51'), (36, 67, 1, 1, '7.0.8', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-03-02 16:24:52', 2, '2017-03-03 18:06:07'), (41, 71, 1, 11, '7.0.8', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-03-22 12:41:55', 1, '2017-03-22 12:47:56'), (51, 81, 1, 1, '10.3.2', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-03-23 18:33:42', 2, '2017-03-27 10:19:46'), (61, 91, 1, 171, '10.3.4', '', '', '2017-03-29 14:40:42', 2, '2017-03-29 14:49:14'), (71, 101, 1, 61, '10.3.4', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-03-29 21:31:19', 1, '2017-04-04 17:53:19'), (81, 111, 1, 161, '10.3.4', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-03-28 20:46:28', 1, '2017-03-28 20:46:28'), (91, 121, 1, 181, '10.3.4', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-03-28 20:29:20', 1, '2017-03-28 20:29:20'), (101, 131, 1, 191, '10.3.4', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-04-20 12:57:47', 1, '2017-04-26 04:58:54'), (111, 141, 1, 201, '10.3.4', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-18 18:07:06', 1, '2017-04-24 23:32:31'), (121, 151, 1, 211, '10.3.4', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-03-28 21:01:13', 1, '2017-03-28 21:01:13'), (131, 161, 1, 221, '10.3.4', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-03-28 20:44:54', 1, '2017-03-28 20:44:54'), (141, 171, 1, 231, '10.3.4', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-03-28 20:33:13', 1, '2017-03-28 20:33:13'), (151, 181, 1, 241, '10.3.4', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-03-28 20:30:29', 1, '2017-03-28 20:30:29'), (161, 191, 1, 71, '10.3.4', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-03-29 21:19:21', 1, '2017-04-03 15:44:09'), (171, 201, 1, 251, '10.3.4', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-03-28 20:56:52', 1, '2017-03-28 20:56:52'), (181, 221, 1, 91, '10.3.4', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-04-03 18:23:31', 2, '2017-04-03 18:38:11'), (191, 211, 1, 1, '10.3.4', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-25 11:28:57', 1, '2017-04-26 10:36:46'), (201, 231, 1, 11, '7.0.8', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-03-22 19:55:47', 1, '2017-03-22 19:55:47'), (211, 241, 1, 111, '10.3.4', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-04-03 18:55:20', 1, '2017-04-04 09:40:31'), (221, 251, 1, 121, '10.3.4', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-03-28 19:28:51', 1, '2017-03-28 19:28:51'), (231, 261, 1, 131, '10.3.4', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-03-28 19:37:50', 1, '2017-03-28 19:37:50'), (241, 271, 1, 141, '10.3.4', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-03-28 18:41:22', 1, '2017-03-28 18:41:22'), (251, 281, 1, 151, '10.3.4', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-03-28 19:46:05', 1, '2017-03-28 19:46:05'), (261, 291, 1, 1, '10.3.4', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-03-31 13:42:57', 2, '2017-03-31 14:11:51'), (271, 301, 1, 121, '10.3.4', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-03-28 21:44:36', 1, '2017-03-28 21:44:36'), (273, 305, 1, 263, '10.5.0', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-04-21 18:34:39', 1, '2017-04-25 10:59:00'), (275, 303, 161, 2, '10.2.1', 'wlan0:', '', '2017-04-20 15:35:44', 1, '2017-04-25 11:22:36'), (277, 307, 161, 1, '10.2.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-04-07 15:32:44', 1, '2017-04-07 15:32:44'), (279, 309, 171, 1, '10.3.6', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-04-20 15:10:35', 1, '2017-04-20 15:10:35'), (281, 311, 1, 1, '10.3.4', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-03-31 18:18:48', 1, '2017-04-14 19:40:40'), (283, 313, 171, 1, '10.3.6', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-04-20 15:01:08', 1, '2017-04-20 15:35:37'), (285, 315, 1, 272, '10.16.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-08-09 12:03:29', 1, '2017-08-09 12:09:38'), (287, 317, 161, 2, '6.7.4', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-20 15:35:44', 1, '2017-04-25 17:19:52'), (289, 321, 1, 1, '10.3.4', 'wlan0: ', '', '2017-04-26 11:14:20', 1, '2017-04-26 11:14:20'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `device_statuses` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.device_status_logs CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `device_status_logs` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `device_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `client_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `channel_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `version_no` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `local_ip` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `public_ip` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `last_sync` datetime NOT NULL COMMENT 'Last sync must be same with channel last_update', `sync_status` int(11) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `device_fk` (`device_id`), KEY `status` (`sync_status`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=16 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.device_status_logs: ~15 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `device_status_logs` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `device_status_logs` (`id`, `device_id`, `client_id`, `channel_id`, `version_no`, `local_ip`, `public_ip`, `last_sync`, `sync_status`, `date_created`) VALUES (1, 315, 1, 272, '10.13.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-08-09 11:25:20', 1, '2017-08-09 11:25:20'), (2, 315, 1, 272, '10.13.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-08-09 11:07:34', 1, '2017-08-09 11:26:01'), (3, 315, 1, 272, '10.13.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-08-09 11:07:34', 2, '2017-08-09 11:37:39'), (4, 315, 1, 272, '10.13.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-08-09 11:37:29', 1, '2017-08-09 11:38:21'), (5, 315, 1, 272, '10.16.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-08-09 11:39:22', 1, '2017-08-09 11:39:22'), (6, 315, 1, 272, '10.16.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-08-09 11:37:29', 1, '2017-08-09 11:45:26'), (7, 315, 1, 272, '10.16.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-08-09 11:37:29', 1, '2017-08-09 11:49:26'), (8, 315, 1, 272, '10.16.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-08-09 11:37:29', 1, '2017-08-09 11:53:45'), (9, 315, 1, 272, '10.16.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-08-09 11:37:29', 1, '2017-08-09 11:54:32'), (10, 315, 1, 272, '10.16.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-08-09 11:37:29', 2, '2017-08-09 11:56:43'), (11, 315, 1, 272, '10.16.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-08-09 11:56:37', 2, '2017-08-09 11:58:07'), (12, 315, 1, 272, '10.16.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-08-09 11:57:37', 1, '2017-08-09 12:01:14'), (13, 315, 1, 272, '10.16.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-08-09 11:57:37', 1, '2017-08-09 12:01:56'), (14, 315, 1, 272, '10.16.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-08-09 11:57:37', 2, '2017-08-09 12:04:08'), (15, 315, 1, 272, '10.16.1', 'eth0: ', '', '2017-08-09 12:03:29', 1, '2017-08-09 12:09:38'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `device_status_logs` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.master_reseller_subscriptions CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `master_reseller_subscriptions` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `reseller_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `package_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `subscription_type_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `start` date NOT NULL, `end` date NOT NULL, `added_by` int(11) NOT NULL, `last_notification_type_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `renew_status` int(11) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `client_fk` (`reseller_id`), KEY `reseller_fk` (`package_id`), KEY `subscription_type_fk` (`subscription_type_id`), KEY `users_fk` (`added_by`), KEY `start` (`start`), KEY `end` (`end`), KEY `last_notification_type_id` (`last_notification_type_id`,`renew_status`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=7 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT COMMENT='Clients subscription information'; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.master_reseller_subscriptions: ~6 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `master_reseller_subscriptions` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `master_reseller_subscriptions` (`id`, `reseller_id`, `package_id`, `subscription_type_id`, `start`, `end`, `added_by`, `last_notification_type_id`, `renew_status`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 0, '2017-09-27', '2018-09-27', 1, 0, 0, '2017-09-27 16:51:22', '2017-09-27 16:51:22'), (2, 4, 1, 0, '2017-10-10', '2017-10-10', 1, 0, 0, '2017-10-10 17:44:41', '2017-10-10 17:44:41'), (3, 4, 1, 0, '2017-10-10', '2017-10-20', 1, 0, 0, '2017-10-10 17:47:19', '2017-10-10 17:47:19'), (4, 4, 1, 0, '2017-11-17', '2018-11-18', 1, 0, 0, '2017-11-17 13:25:06', '2017-11-17 13:25:06'), (5, 7, 1, 0, '2017-11-17', '2018-11-17', 1, 0, 0, '2017-11-17 13:26:49', '2017-11-17 13:26:49'), (6, 2, 1, 0, '2017-12-20', '2018-12-20', 0, 0, 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `master_reseller_subscriptions` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.menus CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `menus` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `menu_group_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `parent_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `ordering` int(11) NOT NULL, `icon` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `label` varchar(75) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `controller` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `action` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `parent` (`parent_id`), KEY `menu_groups` (`menu_group_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=59 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.menus: ~52 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `menus` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `menus` (`id`, `menu_group_id`, `parent_id`, `ordering`, `icon`, `label`, `description`, `controller`, `action`) VALUES (1, 1, 0, 1, 'fa-dashboard', 'Dashboard', 'View dashboard', 'Dashboards', ''), (2, 1, 0, 2, 'fa-user-secret', 'Reseller', 'Reseller features', 'Resellers', ''), (3, 1, 0, 3, 'fa fa-user', 'Client', 'Client features', 'Clients', ''), (5, 1, 0, 5, 'fa fa-television', 'Devices', 'List of devices', 'Devices', ''), (6, 1, 5, 2, NULL, 'Device Status', 'View devices status', 'Devices', 'status'), (7, 1, 5, 3, NULL, 'Devices List', 'View devices pending aproval', 'Devices', 'index'), (8, 1, 2, 4, NULL, 'Add Reseller', 'Add new reseller', 'Resellers', 'add'), (9, 1, 2, 2, NULL, 'List Resellers', 'View list resellers', 'Resellers', 'resellers'), (10, 1, 3, 1, NULL, 'Add New Client', 'Add new client form', 'Clients', 'add'), (11, 1, 3, 1, NULL, 'List Clients', 'View list clients', 'Clients', 'index'), (12, 1, 3, 5, NULL, 'Add Client Subscription', 'View clients subscription', 'ClientSubscriptions', 'add'), (13, 1, 3, 6, NULL, 'List Client Subscriptions', 'View clients subscriptions list', 'ClientSubscriptions', 'index'), (17, 1, 0, 8, 'fa fa-users', 'User', 'User features', 'Users', ''), (18, 1, 17, 1, NULL, 'Add User', 'Add new user', 'Users', 'add'), (19, 1, 17, 2, NULL, 'List User', 'View users list', 'Users', 'index'), (20, 1, 0, 7, 'fa fa-cogs', 'Settings', 'Settings', 'NotificationEmailTemplates', ''), (21, 1, 20, 1, NULL, 'Packages for Reseller', 'List of packages for reseller', 'SubscriptionPackageResellers', ''), (22, 1, 20, 1, NULL, 'Packages for Client', 'List of packages for clients', 'SubscriptionPackageClients', ''), (23, 1, 17, 3, NULL, 'List Users (Master Reseller)', 'View master reseller users list', 'Users', 'master_resellers'), (26, 1, 17, 4, NULL, 'List Users (Reseller)', 'View reseller users list', 'Users', 'resellers'), (27, 1, 2, 1, NULL, 'List Master Resellers', 'View master resellers list', 'Resellers', 'master_resellers'), (28, 1, 2, 3, NULL, 'Add Master Reseller', 'Add new master reseller', 'Resellers', 'add_master'), (29, 1, 3, 1, NULL, 'Client CMS', 'Client CMS', 'ClientCmses', 'index'), (30, 1, 0, 6, 'fa fa-key', 'Product Key', 'Product key for devices', 'ProductKeys', ''), (31, 1, 30, 1, NULL, 'Generate Product Key', 'Generate Product key for device', 'ProductKeyBatches', 'add'), (32, 1, 30, 3, NULL, 'List Product Key', 'List Product Key', 'ProductKeys', 'index'), (33, 1, 30, 2, NULL, 'List Batches', 'List of product keys batches', 'ProductKeyBatches', 'index'), (34, 1, 20, 1, NULL, 'Add Packages for Client', 'List of packages for clients', 'SubscriptionPackageClients', 'add'), (35, 1, 0, 9, 'fa-newspaper-o', 'i3D News', 'Display news', 'News', ''), (36, 1, 35, 1, NULL, 'List i3D News', 'List i3D News', 'News', 'index'), (37, 1, 35, 2, NULL, 'Add i3D News', 'Add i3D News', 'News', 'add'), (38, 1, 5, 4, NULL, 'Remote Control History', 'List of Remote Commands', 'RemoteCommands', 'index'), (39, 1, 5, 5, NULL, 'Remote Control', 'Add new Remote Commands', 'RemoteCommands', 'add'), (40, 1, 20, 2, NULL, 'E-mail Templates', 'E-mail Templates Setting', 'NotificationEmailTemplates', ''), (41, 1, 20, 3, NULL, 'Add Email Template', 'Add Notification Email Template', 'NotificationEmailTemplates', 'add'), (42, 1, 0, 10, 'fa-object-group', 'Page Template', 'Menu for template management', 'PageTemplates', ''), (43, 1, 42, 1, NULL, 'Add Page Template', 'Add new page template', 'PageTemplates', 'add'), (44, 1, 42, 2, NULL, 'List Page Template', 'List Page Template', 'PageTemplates', 'index'), (45, 1, 42, 3, NULL, 'Assign Page Template', 'Assign Page Template', 'PageTemplatesClients', 'assign'), (46, 1, 3, 2, NULL, 'Client Camera CMS', 'Camera CMS', 'ClientCmscameras', 'index'), (47, 1, 0, 11, NULL, 'APK', 'List of APK', 'Versions', ''), (48, 1, 0, 11, NULL, 'Package', 'Package Available', 'Packages', ''), (49, 1, 48, 1, NULL, 'Add New Package', 'Package Add', 'Packages', 'add'), (50, 1, 48, 2, NULL, 'List Package', 'Package List', 'Packages', 'index'), (51, 1, 2, 5, NULL, 'Renew Master Reseller Subscription', NULL, 'MasterResellerSubscriptions', 'add'), (52, 1, 2, 7, NULL, 'List Master Reseller Subscription', NULL, 'MasterResellerSubscriptions', 'index'), (53, 1, 2, 6, NULL, 'Renew Reseller Subscription', NULL, 'ResellerSubscriptions', 'add'), (54, 1, 2, 8, NULL, 'List Reseller Subscription', NULL, 'ResellerSubscriptions', 'index'), (55, 1, 47, 1, NULL, 'APK Change Log', 'List of APK', 'Versions', 'index'), (56, 1, 47, 2, NULL, 'APK Version', NULL, 'Apk', 'index'), (57, 1, 47, 3, NULL, 'APK Manager Log', NULL, 'ApkManagerLog', 'index'), (58, 1, 30, 4, NULL, 'Product Key Subscription', 'List Product Key Subscription', 'ProductKeySubscriptions', 'index'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `menus` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.menus_permissions CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `menus_permissions` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `menu_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `role_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `menu_fk` (`menu_id`), KEY `role_fk` (`role_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.menus_permissions: ~5 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `menus_permissions` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `menus_permissions` (`id`, `menu_id`, `role_id`) VALUES (1, 1, 1), (2, 1, 2), (3, 1, 3), (4, 1, 4), (5, 1, 5); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `menus_permissions` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.menu_groups CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `menu_groups` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(25) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.menu_groups: ~1 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `menu_groups` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `menu_groups` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (1, 'Main Menu'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `menu_groups` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.news CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `news` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `title` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `description` text NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.news: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `news` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `news` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.notification_email_templates CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `notification_email_templates` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `notification_type_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `message` text NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `notification_type_id` (`notification_type_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=8 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.notification_email_templates: ~7 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `notification_email_templates` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `notification_email_templates` (`id`, `notification_type_id`, `subject`, `message`, `date_modified`, `date_created`) VALUES (1, 11, 'i3Display Subscription for [client_name] Expiring Within [days] Days.', 'Hi [client_user_name],\n\nThis is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription\nfor client account [client_name]\nis due for renewal within [days] days.\n\nPlease contact [reseller_company_name] Sales Team at [reseller_contact_number] for further instruction.\n \nThank you and have a nice day.', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2016-09-13 00:00:00'), (2, 12, 'i3Display Subscription for [client_name] Expiring Within [days] Days.', 'Hi [client_user_name],\n\nThis is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription\nfor client account [client_name]\nis due for renewal within [days] days.\n\nPlease contact [reseller_company_name] Sales Team at [reseller_contact_number] for further instruction.\n \nThank you and have a nice day.', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2016-09-13 00:00:00'), (3, 13, 'i3Display Subscription for [client_name] Expiring Within [days] Days.', 'Hi [client_user_name],\n\nThis is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription\nfor client account [client_name]\nis due for renewal within [days] days.\n\nPlease contact [reseller_company_name] Sales Team at [reseller_contact_number] for further instruction.\n \nThank you and have a nice day.', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2016-09-13 00:00:00'), (4, 14, 'i3Display Subscription for [client_name] Expiring Within [days] Days.', 'Hi [client_user_name],\n\nThis is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription\nfor client account [client_name]\nis due for renewal within 7 days.\n\nPlease contact [reseller_company_name] Sales Team at [reseller_contact_number] for further instruction.\n \nThank you and have a nice day.', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2016-09-13 00:00:00'), (5, 15, 'i3Display Subscription for [client_name] Expiring Within [days] Days.', 'Hi [client_user_name],\n\nThis is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription\nfor client account [client_name]\nis due for renewal within [days] days.\n\nPlease contact [reseller_company_name] Sales Team at [reseller_contact_number] for further instruction.\n \nThank you and have a nice day.', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2016-09-13 00:00:00'), (6, 16, 'i3Display Subscription for [client_name] Has Expired.', 'Hi [client_user_name],\n\nThis is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription\nfor client account [client_name]\nis already expired.\n\nDuring this period, i3Display application will stop functioning.\n\nPlease contact [reseller_company_name] Sales Team at [reseller_contact_number] for further instruction.\n \nThank you and have a nice day.', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '2016-09-13 00:00:00'), (7, 17, 'New i3Display Device Registration', 'Hi,\r\n\r\nYou are receiving this e-mail because NEW DEVICE has been registered. Below is the device details :\r\n\r\n\r\n Product Key :[device_product_key]\r\n Device Code :[device_code]\r\n Mac Address :[device_mac]\r\n Building :[device_building]\r\n Road :[device_road]\r\n District :[device_district]\r\n City :[device_city]\r\n State :[device_state]\r\n Country :[device_country]\r\n\r\n \r\n Client information\r\n Client Name :[client_name]\r\n Client Phone :[client_phone_number]\r\n Client Address :[client_address]\r\n\r\n\r\nThank you and have a nice day.', '2016-10-25 11:21:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `notification_email_templates` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.notification_logs CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `notification_logs` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `notification_type_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `client_subscription_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `message` text NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `user_id` (`user_id`), KEY `notification_type_Id` (`notification_type_id`), KEY `client_subscription_id` (`client_subscription_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=246 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.notification_logs: ~43 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `notification_logs` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `notification_logs` (`id`, `user_id`, `email`, `notification_type_id`, `client_subscription_id`, `subject`, `message`, `date_created`) VALUES (1, 61, 'diyanahhhh@m3online.comh', 15, 41, 'i3Display Subscription for Testingg_v10 Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Didi,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testingg_v10


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-15 12:57:07'), (11, 3, 'foxcon@foxcon.com.cn', 15, 41, 'i3Display Subscription for Testingg_v10 Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Didi,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testingg_v10


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-15 12:57:07'), (21, 18, 'cliff@nxera.net', 15, 41, 'i3Display Subscription for Testingg_v10 Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Didi,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testingg_v10


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-15 12:57:07'), (31, 31, 'diyanah@m3online.com', 15, 11, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing v10 Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Diyanah,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing v10


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-15 12:57:07'), (41, 3, 'foxcon@foxcon.com.cn', 15, 11, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing v10 Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Diyanah,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing v10


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-15 12:57:07'), (51, 18, 'cliff@nxera.net', 15, 11, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing v10 Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Diyanah,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing v10


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-15 12:57:07'), (61, 41, 'diya@m3online.com', 15, 21, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi diana,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-15 12:57:07'), (71, 3, 'foxcon@foxcon.com.cn', 15, 21, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi diana,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-15 12:57:07'), (81, 18, 'cliff@nxera.net', 15, 21, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi diana,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-15 12:57:07'), (91, 51, 'diyanahhhh@m3online.com', 15, 31, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing_v10 Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Zul,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing_v10


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-15 12:57:07'), (101, 3, 'foxcon@foxcon.com.cn', 15, 31, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing_v10 Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Zul,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing_v10


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-15 12:57:07'), (111, 18, 'cliff@nxera.net', 15, 31, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing_v10 Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Zul,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing_v10


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-15 12:57:07'), (121, 71, 'diyanaahh@m3online.com', 15, 51, 'i3Display Subscription for Didi Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Didiya,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Didi


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-15 14:12:05'), (131, 3, 'foxcon@foxcon.com.cn', 15, 51, 'i3Display Subscription for Didi Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Didiya,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Didi


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-15 14:12:05'), (141, 18, 'cliff@nxera.net', 15, 51, 'i3Display Subscription for Didi Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Didiya,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Didi


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-15 14:12:05'), (151, 61, 'diyanahhhh@m3online.comh', 16, 41, 'i3Display Subscription for Testingg_v10 Has Expired.', '

Hi Didi,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testingg_v10


is already expired.



During this period, i3Display application will stop functioning.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-16 00:00:08'), (161, 3, 'foxcon@foxcon.com.cn', 16, 41, 'i3Display Subscription for Testingg_v10 Has Expired.', '

Hi Didi,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testingg_v10


is already expired.



During this period, i3Display application will stop functioning.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-16 00:00:08'), (171, 18, 'cliff@nxera.net', 16, 41, 'i3Display Subscription for Testingg_v10 Has Expired.', '

Hi Didi,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testingg_v10


is already expired.



During this period, i3Display application will stop functioning.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-16 00:00:08'), (181, 71, 'diyanaahh@m3online.com', 16, 51, 'i3Display Subscription for Didi Has Expired.', '

Hi Didiya,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Didi


is already expired.



During this period, i3Display application will stop functioning.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-16 00:00:08'), (191, 3, 'foxcon@foxcon.com.cn', 16, 51, 'i3Display Subscription for Didi Has Expired.', '

Hi Didiya,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Didi


is already expired.



During this period, i3Display application will stop functioning.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-16 00:00:08'), (201, 18, 'cliff@nxera.net', 16, 51, 'i3Display Subscription for Didi Has Expired.', '

Hi Didiya,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Didi


is already expired.



During this period, i3Display application will stop functioning.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-03-16 00:00:08'), (203, 91, 'zulazreen@m3online.com', 15, 73, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing Camera Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Testing Camera,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing Camera


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-14 08:49:04'), (205, 3, 'foxcon@foxcon.com.cn', 15, 73, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing Camera Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Testing Camera,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing Camera


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-14 08:49:04'), (207, 18, 'cliff@nxera.net', 15, 73, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing Camera Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Testing Camera,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing Camera


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-14 08:49:04'), (209, 2, 'fatahul@m3tech.com.my', 15, 73, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing Camera Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Testing Camera,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing Camera


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Thailand) Sales Team at 0122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-14 08:49:04'), (211, 93, 'intan@m3online.com', 16, 75, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing Camera v2 Has Expired.', '

Hi ,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing Camera v2


is already expired.



During this period, i3Display application will stop functioning.



Please contact USER Sales Team at 01221458311 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-14 09:09:07'), (213, 21, '2355385981@qq.com', 16, 75, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing Camera v2 Has Expired.', '

Hi ,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing Camera v2


is already expired.



During this period, i3Display application will stop functioning.



Please contact USER Sales Team at 01221458311 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-14 09:09:07'), (215, 95, 'intan@m3online.com', 15, 77, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing Camera v2 Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Testing Camera,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing Camera v2


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact USER Sales Team at 01221458311 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-14 09:12:06'), (217, 21, '2355385981@qq.com', 15, 77, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing Camera v2 Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Testing Camera,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing Camera v2


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact USER Sales Team at 01221458311 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-14 09:12:06'), (219, 97, 'zulazreen@m3online.com', 15, 79, 'i3Display Subscription for Zul Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Zul Test Camera,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Zul


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact USER Sales Team at 01221458311 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-14 09:22:04'), (221, 21, '2355385981@qq.com', 15, 79, 'i3Display Subscription for Zul Expiring Within 0 Days.', '

Hi Zul Test Camera,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Zul


is due for renewal within 0 days.



Please contact USER Sales Team at 01221458311 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-14 09:22:04'), (223, 95, 'intan@m3online.com', 16, 77, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing Camera v2 Has Expired.', '

Hi Testing Camera,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing Camera v2


is already expired.



During this period, i3Display application will stop functioning.



Please contact USER Sales Team at 01221458311 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-15 00:00:06'), (225, 21, '2355385981@qq.com', 16, 77, 'i3Display Subscription for Testing Camera v2 Has Expired.', '

Hi Testing Camera,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Testing Camera v2


is already expired.



During this period, i3Display application will stop functioning.



Please contact USER Sales Team at 01221458311 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-15 00:00:06'), (227, 101, 'yem@gmail.com', 13, 81, 'i3Display Subscription for Azrulnizam Zul Azreen Expiring Within 9 Days.', '

Hi Azrul,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Azrulnizam Zul Azreen


is due for renewal within 9 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Asia) Sales Team at 122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-21 00:00:07'), (229, 85, 'kevin.ng@m3tech.com.my', 13, 81, 'i3Display Subscription for Azrulnizam Zul Azreen Expiring Within 9 Days.', '

Hi Azrul,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Azrulnizam Zul Azreen


is due for renewal within 9 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Asia) Sales Team at 122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-21 00:00:07'), (231, 2, 'fatahul@m3tech.com.my', 13, 81, 'i3Display Subscription for Azrulnizam Zul Azreen Expiring Within 9 Days.', '

Hi Azrul,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Azrulnizam Zul Azreen


is due for renewal within 9 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Asia) Sales Team at 122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-21 00:00:07'), (233, 87, 'zulazreen@m3tech.com.my', 13, 81, 'i3Display Subscription for Azrulnizam Zul Azreen Expiring Within 9 Days.', '

Hi Azrul,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Azrulnizam Zul Azreen


is due for renewal within 9 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Asia) Sales Team at 122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-21 00:00:07'), (235, 89, 'maisarah@m3tech.com.my', 13, 81, 'i3Display Subscription for Azrulnizam Zul Azreen Expiring Within 9 Days.', '

Hi Azrul,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Azrulnizam Zul Azreen


is due for renewal within 9 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Asia) Sales Team at 122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-21 00:00:07'), (237, 101, 'yem@gmail.com', 14, 81, 'i3Display Subscription for Azrulnizam Zul Azreen Expiring Within 7 Days.', '

Hi Azrul,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Azrulnizam Zul Azreen


is due for renewal within 7 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Asia) Sales Team at 122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-23 00:00:07'), (239, 85, 'kevin.ng@m3tech.com.my', 14, 81, 'i3Display Subscription for Azrulnizam Zul Azreen Expiring Within 7 Days.', '

Hi Azrul,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Azrulnizam Zul Azreen


is due for renewal within 7 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Asia) Sales Team at 122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-23 00:00:07'), (241, 2, 'fatahul@m3tech.com.my', 14, 81, 'i3Display Subscription for Azrulnizam Zul Azreen Expiring Within 7 Days.', '

Hi Azrul,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Azrulnizam Zul Azreen


is due for renewal within 7 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Asia) Sales Team at 122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-23 00:00:07'), (243, 87, 'zulazreen@m3tech.com.my', 14, 81, 'i3Display Subscription for Azrulnizam Zul Azreen Expiring Within 7 Days.', '

Hi Azrul,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Azrulnizam Zul Azreen


is due for renewal within 7 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Asia) Sales Team at 122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-23 00:00:07'), (245, 89, 'maisarah@m3tech.com.my', 14, 81, 'i3Display Subscription for Azrulnizam Zul Azreen Expiring Within 7 Days.', '

Hi Azrul,



This is a friendly reminder to inform that your i3Display Panel subscription


for client account Azrulnizam Zul Azreen


is due for renewal within 7 days.



Please contact M3 Technologies (Asia) Sales Team at 122145831 for further instruction.



Thank you and have a nice day.

', '2017-04-23 00:00:07'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `notification_logs` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.notification_types CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `notification_types` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `reminder_days` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=18 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.notification_types: ~7 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `notification_types` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `notification_types` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `reminder_days`) VALUES (11, 'Expiring / 30 Days', '', 30), (12, 'Expiring / 21 Days', '', 21), (13, 'Expiring / 14 Days', '', 14), (14, 'Expiring / 7 Days', '', 7), (15, 'Expiring / 3 Days', '', 3), (16, 'Subscription Expired', '', 0), (17, 'New Device Registered', '', 0); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `notification_types` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.packages CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `packages` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `package_name` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `price` varchar(150) DEFAULT '', `client_type` int(10) NOT NULL, `total_reseller` int(10) DEFAULT NULL, `total_client` int(10) DEFAULT NULL, `total_channel` int(10) DEFAULT NULL, `status` int(10) DEFAULT '1', `date_created` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `date_modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=9 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.packages: ~7 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `packages` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `packages` (`id`, `package_name`, `description`, `price`, `client_type`, `total_reseller`, `total_client`, `total_channel`, `status`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, 'Master 1', 'default package', '1000', 1, 2, NULL, NULL, 1, '2017-09-13 10:12:27', '2017-10-09 16:32:38'), (2, 'Reseller 1', 'Reseller Basic packages', '1000', 2, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, '2017-09-13 10:14:11', '2017-09-13 10:14:11'), (4, 'Client 1', 'Basic Client channel', '1000', 3, NULL, NULL, 3, 1, '2017-09-13 10:17:30', '2017-09-13 10:43:07'), (5, 'Test', 'test', '1000', 3, NULL, NULL, 3, 1, '2017-12-07 13:31:40', '2017-12-12 17:57:38'), (6, 'Selfie + SOS + mall directory', 'basic', '2000', 3, NULL, NULL, 3, 1, '2017-12-13 12:30:51', '2017-12-18 15:00:17'), (7, 'Standard', 'Basic', '1000', 3, NULL, NULL, 3, 1, '2017-12-26 15:31:22', '2017-12-27 14:09:58'), (8, 'Full Package', 'All Plugin', '1000', 3, NULL, NULL, 3, 0, '2017-12-26 15:32:56', '2017-12-26 15:33:17'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `packages` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.packages_cmsmenus CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `packages_cmsmenus` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `package_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `cmsmenu_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `package_fk` (`package_id`), KEY `cmsmenu_fk` (`cmsmenu_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=143 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.packages_cmsmenus: ~140 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `packages_cmsmenus` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `packages_cmsmenus` (`id`, `package_id`, `cmsmenu_id`) VALUES (1, 3, 6), (2, 3, 7), (3, 3, 8), (4, 3, 9), (5, 3, 10), (6, 3, 23), (7, 5, 1), (8, 5, 2), (9, 5, 3), (10, 6, 1), (11, 6, 2), (12, 6, 3), (13, 6, 4), (14, 6, 5), (15, 6, 6), (16, 6, 7), (17, 6, 8), (18, 6, 9), (19, 6, 10), (20, 6, 11), (22, 6, 13), (23, 6, 14), (24, 6, 15), (25, 6, 16), (26, 6, 17), (27, 6, 18), (28, 6, 19), (29, 6, 20), (30, 6, 21), (31, 6, 23), (32, 6, 24), (33, 6, 25), (34, 6, 26), (35, 6, 27), (36, 6, 28), (37, 6, 29), (38, 6, 30), (39, 6, 31), (40, 6, 32), (41, 6, 33), (42, 6, 34), (43, 6, 35), (44, 6, 36), (45, 6, 38), (46, 6, 39), (47, 6, 40), (48, 6, 41), (49, 6, 42), (50, 6, 43), (51, 6, 44), (52, 6, 45), (53, 6, 48), (54, 6, 49), (55, 6, 51), (56, 6, 61), (57, 6, 63), (58, 6, 65), (59, 6, 66), (60, 6, 67), (61, 6, 74), (63, 6, 12), (64, 7, 1), (65, 7, 2), (66, 7, 3), (67, 7, 4), (68, 7, 5), (69, 7, 6), (70, 7, 7), (71, 7, 8), (72, 7, 9), (73, 7, 10), (74, 7, 17), (75, 7, 20), (76, 7, 21), (77, 7, 23), (78, 7, 24), (79, 7, 25), (80, 7, 26), (81, 7, 27), (82, 7, 28), (83, 7, 29), (84, 7, 30), (85, 7, 31), (86, 7, 32), (87, 7, 33), (88, 7, 34), (89, 7, 35), (90, 7, 36), (91, 7, 41), (92, 7, 42), (93, 7, 43), (94, 7, 44), (95, 7, 48), (96, 7, 49), (97, 7, 63), (98, 7, 65), (99, 7, 66), (100, 8, 1), (101, 8, 2), (102, 8, 3), (103, 8, 4), (104, 8, 5), (105, 8, 6), (106, 8, 7), (107, 8, 8), (108, 8, 9), (109, 8, 10), (110, 8, 12), (111, 8, 14), (112, 8, 15), (113, 8, 16), (114, 8, 17), (115, 8, 20), (116, 8, 21), (117, 8, 23), (118, 8, 24), (119, 8, 25), (120, 8, 26), (121, 8, 27), (122, 8, 28), (123, 8, 29), (124, 8, 30), (125, 8, 31), (126, 8, 32), (127, 8, 33), (128, 8, 34), (129, 8, 35), (130, 8, 36), (131, 8, 41), (132, 8, 42), (133, 8, 43), (134, 8, 44), (135, 8, 48), (136, 8, 49), (137, 8, 51), (138, 8, 61), (139, 8, 63), (140, 8, 65), (141, 8, 66), (142, 8, 74); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `packages_cmsmenus` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.packages_cmsplugins CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `packages_cmsplugins` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `package_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `cmsplugin_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `package_fk` (`package_id`), KEY `cmsplugin_fk` (`cmsplugin_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.packages_cmsplugins: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `packages_cmsplugins` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `packages_cmsplugins` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.packages_cmsplugintypes CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `packages_cmsplugintypes` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `package_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `cmsplugintype_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `package_fk` (`package_id`), KEY `cmsplugintype_fk` (`cmsplugintype_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=23 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.packages_cmsplugintypes: ~15 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `packages_cmsplugintypes` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `packages_cmsplugintypes` (`id`, `package_id`, `cmsplugintype_id`) VALUES (1, 5, 2), (2, 5, 9), (4, 5, 8), (5, 5, 1), (6, 6, 1), (7, 6, 2), (9, 6, 9), (11, 6, 8), (12, 7, 1), (13, 8, 1), (14, 8, 2), (19, 8, 8), (20, 8, 9), (21, 7, 8), (22, 7, 9); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `packages_cmsplugintypes` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.packages_copy CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `packages_copy` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `package_name` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `price` varchar(150) DEFAULT '', `status` int(10) DEFAULT '1', `client_type` int(10) NOT NULL, `total_reseller` int(10) DEFAULT NULL, `total_client` int(10) DEFAULT NULL, `total_channel` int(10) DEFAULT NULL, `date_created` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `date_modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.packages_copy: ~4 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `packages_copy` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `packages_copy` (`id`, `package_name`, `description`, `price`, `status`, `client_type`, `total_reseller`, `total_client`, `total_channel`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, 'Basic', 'Basic', '100', 1, 2, NULL, 20, NULL, '2017-08-25 12:16:11', '2017-09-12 11:45:00'), (2, 'test', 'test', '1000', 1, 1, 20, NULL, NULL, '2017-08-25 12:26:56', '2017-08-25 12:28:41'), (3, 'test3', 'test3', '1000', 1, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2017-08-25 15:20:45', '2017-08-25 15:20:45'), (4, 'Test Basic', 'Yohoo', '200', 1, 2, NULL, 10, NULL, '2017-09-12 11:50:15', '2017-09-12 11:50:15'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `packages_copy` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.packages_slottextstyles CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `packages_slottextstyles` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `package_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `slottextstyle_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `package_fk` (`package_id`), KEY `slottextstyle_fk` (`slottextstyle_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.packages_slottextstyles: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `packages_slottextstyles` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `packages_slottextstyles` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.packages_slottypes CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `packages_slottypes` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `package_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `slottype_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `package_fk` (`package_id`), KEY `slottype_fk` (`slottype_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.packages_slottypes: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `packages_slottypes` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `packages_slottypes` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.packages_templates CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `packages_templates` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `package_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `template_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `package_fk` (`package_id`), KEY `template_fk` (`template_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=208 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.packages_templates: ~207 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `packages_templates` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `packages_templates` (`id`, `package_id`, `template_id`) VALUES (1, 3, 1), (2, 3, 2), (3, 3, 3), (4, 3, 4), (5, 3, 5), (6, 3, 10), (7, 3, 13), (8, 3, 14), (9, 3, 15), (10, 3, 16), (11, 3, 17), (12, 3, 18), (13, 3, 19), (14, 3, 20), (15, 3, 23), (16, 3, 24), (17, 3, 25), (18, 3, 26), (19, 3, 27), (20, 3, 28), (21, 3, 29), (22, 3, 30), (23, 3, 31), (24, 3, 32), (25, 3, 33), (26, 3, 34), (27, 3, 35), (28, 3, 36), (29, 3, 37), (30, 3, 38), (31, 3, 39), (32, 3, 40), (33, 3, 41), (34, 3, 42), (35, 3, 43), (36, 3, 44), (37, 6, 1), (38, 6, 2), (39, 6, 3), (40, 6, 4), (41, 6, 5), (42, 6, 10), (43, 6, 13), (44, 6, 14), (45, 6, 15), (46, 6, 16), (47, 6, 17), (48, 6, 18), (49, 6, 19), (50, 6, 20), (51, 6, 21), (52, 6, 23), (53, 6, 24), (54, 6, 25), (55, 6, 26), (56, 6, 27), (57, 6, 28), (58, 6, 29), (59, 6, 30), (60, 6, 31), (61, 6, 32), (62, 6, 33), (63, 6, 34), (64, 6, 35), (65, 6, 36), (66, 6, 37), (67, 6, 38), (68, 6, 39), (69, 6, 40), (70, 6, 41), (71, 6, 42), (72, 6, 43), (73, 6, 44), (74, 6, 45), (75, 6, 46), (76, 6, 47), (77, 6, 48), (78, 6, 49), (79, 6, 50), (80, 6, 51), (81, 6, 52), (82, 6, 53), (83, 6, 54), (84, 6, 55), (85, 6, 56), (86, 6, 57), (87, 6, 58), (88, 6, 61), (89, 6, 62), (90, 6, 63), (91, 6, 64), (92, 6, 65), (93, 6, 66), (94, 7, 1), (95, 7, 2), (96, 7, 3), (97, 7, 4), (98, 7, 5), (99, 7, 10), (100, 7, 13), (101, 7, 14), (102, 7, 15), (103, 7, 16), (104, 7, 17), (105, 7, 18), (106, 7, 19), (107, 7, 20), (108, 7, 21), (109, 7, 23), (110, 7, 24), (111, 7, 25), (112, 7, 26), (113, 7, 27), (114, 7, 28), (115, 7, 29), (116, 7, 30), (117, 7, 31), (118, 7, 32), (119, 7, 33), (120, 7, 34), (121, 7, 35), (122, 7, 36), (123, 7, 37), (124, 7, 38), (125, 7, 39), (126, 7, 40), (127, 7, 41), (128, 7, 42), (129, 7, 43), (130, 7, 44), (131, 7, 45), (132, 7, 46), (133, 7, 47), (134, 7, 48), (135, 7, 49), (136, 7, 50), (137, 7, 51), (138, 7, 52), (139, 7, 53), (140, 7, 54), (141, 7, 55), (142, 7, 56), (143, 7, 57), (144, 7, 58), (145, 7, 61), (146, 7, 62), (147, 7, 63), (148, 7, 64), (149, 7, 65), (150, 7, 66), (151, 8, 1), (152, 8, 2), (153, 8, 3), (154, 8, 4), (155, 8, 5), (156, 8, 10), (157, 8, 13), (158, 8, 14), (159, 8, 15), (160, 8, 16), (161, 8, 17), (162, 8, 18), (163, 8, 19), (164, 8, 20), (165, 8, 21), (166, 8, 23), (167, 8, 24), (168, 8, 25), (169, 8, 26), (170, 8, 27), (171, 8, 28), (172, 8, 29), (173, 8, 30), (174, 8, 31), (175, 8, 32), (176, 8, 33), (177, 8, 34), (178, 8, 35), (179, 8, 36), (180, 8, 37), (181, 8, 38), (182, 8, 39), (183, 8, 40), (184, 8, 41), (185, 8, 42), (186, 8, 43), (187, 8, 44), (188, 8, 45), (189, 8, 46), (190, 8, 47), (191, 8, 48), (192, 8, 49), (193, 8, 50), (194, 8, 51), (195, 8, 52), (196, 8, 53), (197, 8, 54), (198, 8, 55), (199, 8, 56), (200, 8, 57), (201, 8, 58), (202, 8, 61), (203, 8, 62), (204, 8, 63), (205, 8, 64), (206, 8, 65), (207, 8, 66); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `packages_templates` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.page_slots CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `page_slots` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `slot_code` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `orientation` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `slot_height` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `slot_width` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `slot_x` int(9) DEFAULT NULL, `slot_y` int(9) DEFAULT NULL, `group` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `page_template_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `multiple_status` int(11) DEFAULT '1', `slot_display_type` varchar(50) DEFAULT 'PAGER', `ordering` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `remark` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `user_created` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `date_created` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `user_modified` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `date_modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=220 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.page_slots: 218 rows /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `page_slots` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `page_slots` (`id`, `slot_code`, `orientation`, `slot_height`, `slot_width`, `slot_x`, `slot_y`, `group`, `page_template_id`, `multiple_status`, `slot_display_type`, `ordering`, `remark`, `user_created`, `date_created`, `user_modified`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, '1A', 'VERTICAL', '1920', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (2, '2A', 'VERTICAL', '960', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (3, '2B', 'VERTICAL', '960', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 2, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (4, '3A', 'VERTICAL', '640', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (5, '3B', 'VERTICAL', '640', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (6, '3C', 'VERTICAL', '640', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 3, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (7, '4A', 'VERTICAL', '960', '540', NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (8, '4B', 'VERTICAL', '960', '540', NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (9, '4C', 'VERTICAL', '960', '540', NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (10, '4D', 'VERTICAL', '960', '540', NULL, NULL, NULL, 4, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (11, '5A', 'VERTICAL', '640', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (12, '5B', 'VERTICAL', '640', '540', NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (13, '5C', 'VERTICAL', '640', '540', NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (14, '5D', 'VERTICAL', '640', '540', NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (15, '5E', 'VERTICAL', '640', '540', NULL, NULL, NULL, 5, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (16, '10A', 'VERTICAL', '180', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 10, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (17, '10B', 'VERTICAL', '580', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 10, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (18, '10C', 'VERTICAL', '580', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 10, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (19, '10D', 'VERTICAL', '580', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 10, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (20, '10E', 'VERTICAL', '580', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 10, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (21, '10F', 'VERTICAL', '580', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 10, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (22, '10G', 'VERTICAL', '580', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 10, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (23, '10H', 'VERTICAL', '580', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 10, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (24, '10I', 'VERTICAL', '580', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 10, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (25, '10J', 'VERTICAL', '580', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 10, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (26, '1A_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '1080', '1920', NULL, NULL, NULL, 13, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (27, '2A_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '180', '1920', NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (28, '2B_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '300', '640', NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (29, '2C_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '300', '640', NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (30, '2D_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '300', '640', NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (31, '2E_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '900', '1280', NULL, NULL, NULL, 14, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (32, '3A_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '180', '1920', NULL, NULL, NULL, 15, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (33, '3B_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '450', '480', NULL, NULL, NULL, 15, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (34, '3C_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '450', '480', NULL, NULL, NULL, 15, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (35, '3D_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '450', '480', NULL, NULL, NULL, 15, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (36, '3E_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '450', '480', NULL, NULL, NULL, 15, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (37, '3F_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '450', '480', NULL, NULL, NULL, 15, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (38, '3G_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '450', '480', NULL, NULL, NULL, 15, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (39, '3H_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '450', '480', NULL, NULL, NULL, 15, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (40, '3I_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '450', '480', NULL, NULL, NULL, 15, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (41, '7A', 'VERTICAL', '180', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 16, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (42, '7B', 'VERTICAL', '1160', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 16, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (43, '7C', 'VERTICAL', '580', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 16, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (44, '7D', 'VERTICAL', '580', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 16, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (45, '7E', 'VERTICAL', '580', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 16, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (46, '8A', 'VERTICAL', '180', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 17, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (47, '8B', 'VERTICAL', '580', '540', NULL, NULL, NULL, 17, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (48, '8C', 'VERTICAL', '580', '540', NULL, NULL, NULL, 17, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (49, '8D', 'VERTICAL', '580', '540', NULL, NULL, NULL, 17, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (50, '8E', 'VERTICAL', '580', '540', NULL, NULL, NULL, 17, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (51, '8F', 'VERTICAL', '580', '540', NULL, NULL, NULL, 17, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (52, '8G', 'VERTICAL', '580', '540', NULL, NULL, NULL, 17, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (53, '9A', 'VERTICAL', '156', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 18, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (54, '9B', 'VERTICAL', '196', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 18, 1, 'LIST', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (55, '10A', 'VERTICAL', '1720', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 19, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (56, '10B', 'VERTICAL', '200', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 19, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (57, '10C', 'VERTICAL', '200', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 19, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (58, '10D', 'VERTICAL', '200', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 19, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (59, '11A', 'VERTICAL', '180', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 20, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (60, '11B', 'VERTICAL', '180', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 20, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (61, '11C', 'VERTICAL', '180', '360', NULL, NULL, NULL, 20, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (62, '11D', 'VERTICAL', '1740', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 20, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (63, '12A', 'VERTICAL', '1920', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 22, 1, 'GRIDVIEW', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (64, 'QV', 'VERTICAL', '1920', '1080', NULL, NULL, NULL, 21, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (85, '13U', 'VERTICAL', '160', '160', 60, 1700, 'home', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (84, '13T', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 860, 1270, 'menu_3', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (83, '13S', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 700, 1270, 'menu_3', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (82, '13R', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 540, 1270, 'menu_3', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (81, '13Q', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 380, 1270, 'menu_3', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (80, '13P', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 220, 1270, 'menu_3', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (79, '13O', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 60, 1270, 'menu_3', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (78, '13N', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 860, 1210, 'menu_2', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (77, '13M', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 700, 1210, 'menu_2', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (76, '13L', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 540, 1210, 'menu_2', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (75, '13K', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 380, 1210, 'menu_2', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (74, '13J', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 220, 1210, 'menu_2', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (73, '13I', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 60, 1210, 'menu_2', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (72, '13H', 'VERTICAL', '540', '960', 60, 660, 'content', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (71, '13G', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 860, 600, 'menu_1', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (70, '13F', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 700, 600, 'menu_1', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (69, '13E', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 540, 600, 'menu_1', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (68, '13D', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 380, 600, 'menu_1', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (67, '13C', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 220, 600, 'menu_1', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (66, '13B', 'VERTICAL', '50', '160', 60, 600, 'menu_1', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (65, '13A', 'VERTICAL', '1920', '1080', 0, 0, 'background', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (86, '13V', 'VERTICAL', '160', '160', 870, 1700, 'back', 23, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (87, '14A', 'VERTICAL', '640', '1080', 0, 120, '', 24, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (88, '14B', 'VERTICAL', '460', '1080', 0, 760, '', 24, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (89, '14C', 'VERTICAL', '700', '540', 0, 1220, '', 24, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (90, '14D', 'VERTICAL', '700', '540', 540, 1220, '', 24, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (91, '14E', 'VERTICAL', '120', '1080', 0, 0, '', 24, 1, 'SCROLLTEXT', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (92, '15A', 'VERTICAL', '640', '1080', 0, 120, '', 25, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (93, '15B', 'VERTICAL', '400', '1080', 0, 760, '', 25, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (94, '15C', 'VERTICAL', '150', '540', 0, 1160, '', 25, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (95, '15D', 'VERTICAL', '150', '540', 540, 1160, '', 25, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (96, '15E', 'VERTICAL', '610', '1080', 0, 1310, '', 25, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (97, '15F', 'VERTICAL', '120', '1080', 0, 0, '', 25, 1, 'SCROLLTEXT', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (98, '16A', 'VERTICAL', '640', '1080', 0, 120, '', 26, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (99, '16B', 'VERTICAL', '1010', '1080', 0, 760, '', 26, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (100, '16C', 'VERTICAL', '150', '540', 0, 1770, '', 26, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (101, '16D', 'VERTICAL', '150', '540', 540, 1770, '', 26, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (102, '16E', 'VERTICAL', '120', '1080', 0, 0, '', 26, 1, 'SCROLLTEXT', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (103, '17A', 'VERTICAL', '640', '1080', 0, 120, '', 27, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (104, '17B', 'VERTICAL', '1010', '1080', 0, 760, '', 27, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (105, '17C', 'VERTICAL', '150', '1080', 0, 1770, '', 27, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (106, '17D', 'VERTICAL', '120', '1080', 0, 0, '', 27, 1, 'SCROLLTEXT', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (107, '18A', 'VERTICAL', '120', '1080', 0, 0, '', 28, 1, 'SCROLLTEXT', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (108, '18B', 'VERTICAL', '1650', '1080', 0, 120, '', 28, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (109, '18C', 'VERTICAL', '150', '540', 0, 1770, '', 28, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (110, '18D', 'VERTICAL', '150', '540', 540, 1770, '', 28, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (125, '22C', 'VERTICAL', '1210', '1080', 0, 710, '', 32, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (124, '22B', 'VERTICAL', '590', '1080', 0, 120, '', 32, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (123, '22A', 'VERTICAL', '120', '1080', 0, 0, '', 32, 1, 'SCROLLTEXT', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (122, '21D', 'VERTICAL', '570', '1080', 0, 1250, '', 31, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (121, '21C', 'VERTICAL', '540', '1080', 0, 710, '', 31, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (120, '21B', 'VERTICAL', '590', '1080', 0, 120, '', 31, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (119, '21A', 'VERTICAL', '120', '1080', 0, 0, '', 31, 1, 'SCROLLTEXT', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (118, '20E', 'VERTICAL', '570', '540', 540, 1250, '', 30, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (117, '20D', 'VERTICAL', '570', '540', 0, 1250, '', 30, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (116, '20C', 'VERTICAL', '540', '1080', 0, 710, '', 30, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (115, '20B', 'VERTICAL', '590', '1080', 0, 120, '', 30, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (114, '20A', 'VERTICAL', '120', '1080', 0, 0, '', 30, 1, 'SCROLLTEXT', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (113, '19C', 'VERTICAL', '1100', '1080', 0, 820, '', 29, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (112, '19B', 'VERTICAL', '640', '1080', 0, 180, '', 29, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (111, '19A', 'VERTICAL', '180', '1080', 0, 0, '', 29, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (126, '4A_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '216', '480', 0, 0, NULL, 33, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (127, '4B_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '216', '480', 0, 216, NULL, 33, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (128, '4C_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '216', '480', 0, 432, NULL, 33, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (129, '4D_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '216', '480', 0, 648, NULL, 33, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (130, '4E_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '216', '480', 0, 864, NULL, 33, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (131, '4F_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '216', '960', 480, 0, NULL, 33, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (132, '4G_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '648', '960', 480, 216, NULL, 33, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (133, '4H_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '216', '960', 480, 864, NULL, 33, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (134, '4I_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '216', '480', 1440, 0, NULL, 33, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (135, '4J_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '216', '480', 1440, 216, NULL, 33, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (136, '4K_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '216', '480', 1440, 432, NULL, 33, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (137, '4L_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '216', '480', 1440, 648, NULL, 33, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (138, '4M_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '216', '480', 1440, 864, NULL, 33, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (139, '5A_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '1080', '480', 0, 0, NULL, 34, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (140, '5B_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '1080', '480', 480, 0, NULL, 34, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (141, '5C_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '1080', '480', 960, 0, NULL, 34, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (142, '5D_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '1080', '480', 1440, 0, NULL, 34, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (143, '6A_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '540', '960', 0, 0, NULL, 35, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (144, '6B_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '540', '960', 0, 540, NULL, 35, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (145, '6C_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '540', '960', 960, 0, NULL, 35, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (146, '6D_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '540', '960', 960, 540, NULL, 35, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (147, '7A_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '1080', '1920', 0, 0, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (148, '7B_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '680', '1920', 0, 0, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (149, '7C_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '260', 0, 680, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (150, '7D_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '200', 260, 680, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (151, '7E_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '200', 460, 680, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (152, '7F_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '200', 660, 680, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (153, '7G_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '200', 860, 680, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (154, '7H_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '200', 1060, 680, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (155, '7I_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '200', 1260, 680, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (156, '7J_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '200', 1460, 680, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (157, '7K_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '260', 1660, 680, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (158, '7L_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '260', 0, 880, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (159, '7M_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '200', 260, 880, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (160, '7N_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '200', 460, 880, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (161, '7O_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '200', 660, 880, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (162, '7P_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '200', 860, 880, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (163, '7Q_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '200', 1060, 880, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (164, '7R_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '200', 1260, 880, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (165, '7S_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '200', 1460, 880, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (166, '7T_H', 'HORIZONTAL', '200', '260', 1660, 880, NULL, 36, 1, 'PAGER', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (173, '23G', 'VERTICAL', '360', '540', 540, 1560, NULL, 37, 1, 'PAGER', 7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (172, '23F', 'VERTICAL', '360', '540', 0, 1560, NULL, 37, 1, 'PAGER', 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (171, '23E', 'VERTICAL', '360', '540', 540, 1200, NULL, 37, 1, 'PAGER', 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (170, '23D', 'VERTICAL', '360', '540', 0, 1200, NULL, 37, 1, 'PAGER', 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (169, '23C', 'VERTICAL', '360', '540', 540, 840, NULL, 37, 1, 'PAGER', 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (168, '23B', 'VERTICAL', '360', '540', 0, 840, NULL, 37, 1, 'PAGER', 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (167, '23A', 'VERTICAL', '840', '1080', 0, 0, NULL, 37, 1, 'PAGER', 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (174, '24E', 'VERTICAL', '640', '1080', 0, 1280, NULL, 38, 1, 'PAGER', 5, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-06 15:14:45', NULL, NULL), (175, '24D', 'VERTICAL', '640', '360', 720, 640, NULL, 38, 1, 'PAGER', 4, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-06 15:14:45', NULL, NULL), (176, '24C', 'VERTICAL', '640', '360', 360, 640, NULL, 38, 1, 'PAGER', 3, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-06 15:14:45', NULL, NULL), (177, '24B', 'VERTICAL', '640', '360', 0, 640, NULL, 38, 1, 'PAGER', 2, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-06 15:14:45', NULL, NULL), (178, '24A', 'VERTICAL', '640', '1080', 0, 0, NULL, 38, 1, 'PAGER', 1, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-06 15:14:45', NULL, NULL), (179, '25B', 'VERTICAL', '710', '1080', 0, 1210, NULL, 39, 1, 'PAGER', 2, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-07 10:26:47', NULL, NULL), (180, '25A', 'VERTICAL', '1210', '1080', 0, 0, NULL, 39, 1, 'PAGER', 1, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-07 10:26:47', NULL, NULL), (181, '26I', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 810, 1280, NULL, 40, 1, 'PAGER', 9, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:11:47', NULL, NULL), (182, '26H', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 540, 1280, NULL, 40, 1, 'PAGER', 8, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:11:47', NULL, NULL), (183, '26A', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 0, 0, NULL, 40, 1, 'PAGER', 1, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:11:47', NULL, NULL), (184, '26B', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 270, 0, NULL, 40, 1, 'PAGER', 2, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:11:47', NULL, NULL), (185, '26C', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 540, 0, NULL, 40, 1, 'PAGER', 3, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:11:47', NULL, NULL), (186, '26D', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 810, 0, NULL, 40, 1, 'PAGER', 4, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:11:47', NULL, NULL), (187, '26E', 'VERTICAL', '640', '1080', 0, 640, NULL, 40, 1, 'PAGER', 5, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:11:47', NULL, NULL), (188, '26F', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 0, 1280, NULL, 40, 1, 'PAGER', 6, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:11:47', NULL, NULL), (189, '26G', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 270, 1280, NULL, 40, 1, 'PAGER', 7, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:11:47', NULL, NULL), (190, '27I', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 810, 1280, NULL, 41, 1, 'PAGER', 9, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:31:14', NULL, NULL), (191, '27H', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 540, 1280, NULL, 41, 1, 'PAGER', 8, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:31:14', NULL, NULL), (192, '27G', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 270, 1280, NULL, 41, 1, 'PAGER', 7, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:31:14', NULL, NULL), (193, '27F', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 0, 1280, NULL, 41, 1, 'PAGER', 6, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:31:14', NULL, NULL), (194, '27E', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 810, 640, NULL, 41, 1, 'PAGER', 5, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:31:14', NULL, NULL), (195, '27D', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 540, 640, NULL, 41, 1, 'PAGER', 4, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:31:14', NULL, NULL), (196, '27C', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 270, 640, NULL, 41, 1, 'PAGER', 3, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:31:14', NULL, NULL), (197, '27B', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 0, 640, NULL, 41, 1, 'PAGER', 2, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:31:14', NULL, NULL), (198, '27A', 'VERTICAL', '640', '1080', 0, 0, NULL, 41, 1, 'PAGER', 1, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:31:14', NULL, NULL), (199, '28C', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 540, 0, NULL, 42, 1, 'PAGER', 3, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:37:10', NULL, NULL), (200, '28B', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 270, 0, NULL, 42, 1, 'PAGER', 2, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:37:10', NULL, NULL), (201, '28A', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 0, 0, NULL, 42, 1, 'PAGER', 1, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:37:10', NULL, NULL), (202, '28D', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 810, 0, NULL, 42, 1, 'PAGER', 4, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:37:10', NULL, NULL), (203, '28E', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 0, 640, NULL, 42, 1, 'PAGER', 5, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:37:10', NULL, NULL), (204, '28F', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 270, 640, NULL, 42, 1, 'PAGER', 6, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:37:10', NULL, NULL), (205, '28G', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 540, 640, NULL, 42, 1, 'PAGER', 7, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:37:10', NULL, NULL), (206, '28H', 'VERTICAL', '640', '270', 810, 640, NULL, 42, 1, 'PAGER', 8, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:37:10', NULL, NULL), (207, '28I', 'VERTICAL', '640', '1080', 0, 1280, NULL, 42, 1, 'PAGER', 9, NULL, NULL, '2016-09-19 10:37:10', NULL, NULL), (208, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, NULL, 1, '2016-11-25 20:01:20', NULL, NULL), (209, 'SY_1', 'VERTICAL', '640', '1080', 0, 0, NULL, 46, 1, 'PAGER', 1, 'Testing', 1, '2016-11-25 20:01:36', NULL, NULL), (210, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 2, NULL, 1, '2016-11-25 20:01:42', NULL, NULL), (211, 'MS_1', 'VERTICAL', '640', '1080', 0, 0, NULL, 47, 1, 'PAGER', 1, 'Testing', 2, '2016-11-25 20:03:03', NULL, NULL), (212, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 2, NULL, 2, '2016-11-25 20:03:08', NULL, NULL), (213, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 2, NULL, 2, '2016-11-25 20:03:17', NULL, NULL), (214, 'SY_2', 'VERTICAL', '720', '1080', 0, 640, NULL, 47, 1, 'PAGER', 2, 'Testing', 2, '2016-11-25 20:04:50', NULL, NULL), (215, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 3, NULL, 2, '2016-11-25 20:04:56', NULL, NULL), (216, 'T_1', 'VERTICAL', '1920', '1080', 0, 0, NULL, 45, 1, 'PAGER', 1, 'test', 3, '2016-11-28 21:04:12', NULL, NULL), (217, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 2, NULL, 3, '2016-11-28 21:04:18', NULL, NULL), (219, '1a', 'VERTICAL', '100', '100', 0, 0, NULL, 49, 1, 'PAGER', 1, 'test', 1, '2017-04-07 08:53:34', NULL, NULL); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `page_slots` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.page_templates CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `page_templates` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `page_name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `orientation` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `is_dynamic` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `adv_status` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `remark` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, `user_created` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `date_created` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `user_modified` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `date_modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=52 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.page_templates: 43 rows /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `page_templates` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `page_templates` (`id`, `page_name`, `orientation`, `is_dynamic`, `adv_status`, `remark`, `user_created`, `date_created`, `user_modified`, `date_modified`) VALUES (10, 'Template 6V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, '0', '10 Slot - Vertical', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (1, 'Template 1V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, '0', '1 Slot - Vertical', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (2, 'Template 2V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, '0', '2 Slot - Vertical', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (3, 'Template 3V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, '0', '3 Slot - Vertical', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (4, 'Template 4V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, '0', '4 Slot - Vertical', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (5, 'Template 5V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, '0', '5 Slot - Vertical', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (13, 'Template 1H', 'HORIZONTAL', NULL, '0', 'Template 1H', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (14, 'Template 2H', 'HORIZONTAL', NULL, '0', 'Template 2H', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (15, 'Template 3H', 'HORIZONTAL', NULL, '0', 'Template 3H', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (16, 'Template 7V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, '0', 'Template 7V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (17, 'Template 8V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, '0', 'Template 8V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (18, 'Template 9V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, '0', 'Template 9V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (19, 'Template 10V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, '0', 'Template 10V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (20, 'Template 11V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, '0', 'Template 11V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (21, 'Quiz Template', 'VERTICAL', NULL, '1', 'Quiz Template', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (22, 'Template 12V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, '0', 'Template 12V - Grid view', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (23, 'Template 13V', 'VERTICAL', 1, '0', 'Template 13V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (24, 'Template 14V', 'VERTICAL', 1, '0', 'Template 14V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (27, 'Template 17V', 'VERTICAL', 1, '0', 'Template 17V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (26, 'Template 16V', 'VERTICAL', 1, '0', 'Template 16V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (25, 'Template 15V', 'VERTICAL', 1, '0', 'Template 15V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (28, 'Template 18V', 'VERTICAL', 1, '0', 'Template 18V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (29, 'Template 19V', 'VERTICAL', 1, '0', 'Template 19V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (30, 'Template 20V', 'VERTICAL', 1, '0', 'Template 20V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (31, 'Template 21V', 'VERTICAL', 1, '0', 'Template 21V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (32, 'Template 22V', 'VERTICAL', 1, '0', 'Template 22V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (33, 'Template 4H', 'HORIZONTAL', 1, '0', 'Template 4H', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (34, 'Template 5H', 'HORIZONTAL', 1, '0', 'Template 5H', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (35, 'Template 6H', 'HORIZONTAL', 1, '0', 'Template 5H', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (36, 'Template 7H', 'HORIZONTAL', 1, '0', 'Template 7H', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (37, 'Template 23V', 'VERTICAL', 1, '0', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (38, 'Template 24V', 'VERTICAL', 1, '0', 'Template 24V', NULL, '2016-09-06 15:03:32', NULL, NULL), (39, 'Template 25V', 'VERTICAL', 1, '0', 'Template 25V', NULL, '2016-09-07 10:25:15', NULL, NULL), (40, 'Template 26V', 'VERTICAL', 1, '0', 'Template 26V for vertical orientation', NULL, '2016-09-19 10:04:15', NULL, NULL), (41, 'Template 27V', 'VERTICAL', 1, '0', 'Template 27V for vertical orientation', NULL, '2016-09-19 10:27:16', NULL, NULL), (42, 'Template 28V', 'VERTICAL', 1, '0', 'Template 28V for vertical orientation', NULL, '2016-09-19 10:34:16', NULL, NULL), (43, 'Azrul Template', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 'Testing vertical template', 41, '2016-10-20 12:36:35', NULL, '2016-10-20 12:36:35'), (44, 'test', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 'test', 3, '2016-11-25 19:04:44', NULL, '2016-11-25 19:04:44'), (45, 'test', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 'test', 3, '2016-11-25 19:22:07', NULL, '2016-11-25 19:22:07'), (46, 'Sstem Admin Template', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 'Testing', 1, '2016-11-25 20:01:16', NULL, '2016-11-25 20:01:16'), (47, 'Master Reseller Template', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 'Testing', 2, '2016-11-25 20:02:46', NULL, '2016-11-25 20:02:46'), (49, 'Test', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 'test', 1, '2017-04-07 08:52:59', NULL, '2017-04-07 08:52:59'), (51, 'testtt', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 'testttt', 1, '2017-04-07 09:07:35', NULL, '2017-04-07 09:07:35'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `page_templates` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.page_templates_clients CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `page_templates_clients` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `page_template_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `client_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.page_templates_clients: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `page_templates_clients` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `page_templates_clients` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.page_templates_resellers CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `page_templates_resellers` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `page_template_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `reseller_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=4 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.page_templates_resellers: ~3 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `page_templates_resellers` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `page_templates_resellers` (`id`, `page_template_id`, `reseller_id`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, 44, 2, '2016-11-25 19:04:44', '2016-11-25 19:04:44'), (2, 45, 2, '2016-11-25 19:22:07', '2016-11-25 19:22:07'), (3, 47, 1, '2016-11-25 20:02:46', '2016-11-25 20:02:46'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `page_templates_resellers` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.phinxlog CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `phinxlog` ( `version` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `migration_name` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, `start_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `end_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY (`version`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.phinxlog: ~4 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `phinxlog` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `phinxlog` (`version`, `migration_name`, `start_time`, `end_time`) VALUES (20160627071837, 'Initial', '2016-06-27 07:18:38', '2016-06-27 07:18:38'), (20160712074039, 'Initial', '2016-07-12 15:40:39', '2016-07-12 15:40:39'), (20160715014651, 'DeviceFetures', '2016-07-15 09:46:51', '2016-07-15 09:46:51'), (20160715015320, 'Initial', '2016-07-15 09:53:21', '2016-07-15 09:53:21'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `phinxlog` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.plugins CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `plugins` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `type` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `action` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `parameter_count` int(11) NOT NULL, `parameters` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `status` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.plugins: ~2 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `plugins` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `plugins` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `type`, `action`, `parameter_count`, `parameters`, `status`) VALUES (1, 'Scrolling Text', 'Horizontal text running on the screen', 'Slot Content', ' ', 0, '', 1), (2, 'Content WebView', 'Display content type XHTML web page', 'Content Type', '', 0, '', 1); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `plugins` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.product_keys CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `product_keys` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `batch_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `product_key` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `reseller_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `client_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `device_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `status` int(11) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, `expiry_date` date NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `product_key` (`product_key`), KEY `batch_id` (`batch_id`,`product_key`,`reseller_id`,`client_id`,`device_id`,`status`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=18 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.product_keys: ~17 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `product_keys` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `product_keys` (`id`, `batch_id`, `product_key`, `reseller_id`, `client_id`, `device_id`, `status`, `date_created`, `date_modified`, `expiry_date`) VALUES (1, 1, '0002-FJ9D-WH2D-G73T', 2, 194, NULL, 1, '2017-12-26 16:34:07', '2017-12-26 16:49:52', '0000-00-00'), (2, 1, '0002-DEDA-BKDW-HE39', 2, 194, NULL, 1, '2017-12-26 16:34:08', '2017-12-27 14:22:40', '0000-00-00'), (3, 2, '0005-4REL-B638-GDRM', 5, 171, NULL, 1, '2017-12-26 16:34:25', '2017-12-26 16:34:25', '0000-00-00'), (4, 2, '0005-76V8-HQ7Z-3Q5G', 5, 171, NULL, 1, '2017-12-26 16:34:25', '2017-12-26 16:34:25', '0000-00-00'), (5, 2, '0005-XGGJ-QLLP-JECW', 5, 171, NULL, 1, '2017-12-26 16:34:26', '2017-12-26 16:34:26', '0000-00-00'), (6, 2, '0005-WJ2N-Z9JW-DA74', 5, 171, NULL, 1, '2017-12-26 16:34:26', '2017-12-26 16:34:26', '0000-00-00'), (7, 3, '0002-MJXA-T72D-K85Z', 2, 194, NULL, 1, '2017-12-26 17:48:17', '2017-12-26 17:48:17', '0000-00-00'), (8, 3, '0002-2TZ5-SPZ8-W429', 2, 194, NULL, 1, '2017-12-26 17:48:17', '2017-12-26 17:48:17', '0000-00-00'), (9, 3, '0002-ZRDN-7TWG-24X5', 2, 194, NULL, 1, '2017-12-26 17:48:17', '2017-12-26 17:48:17', '0000-00-00'), (10, 3, '0002-LQCK-KGGB-XK5A', 2, 194, NULL, 1, '2017-12-26 17:48:17', '2017-12-26 17:48:17', '0000-00-00'), (11, 3, '0002-CPPY-W3ZD-7FEW', 2, 194, NULL, 1, '2017-12-26 17:48:17', '2017-12-26 17:48:17', '0000-00-00'), (12, 8, '0002-ZB76-VTTX-QQYP', 2, 194, NULL, 1, '2017-12-27 10:34:32', '2017-12-27 10:34:32', '0000-00-00'), (13, 8, '0002-GKCS-NG73-837U', 2, 194, NULL, 1, '2017-12-27 10:34:32', '2017-12-27 10:34:32', '0000-00-00'), (14, 8, '0002-LEL2-T44V-A8WB', 2, 194, NULL, 1, '2017-12-27 10:34:32', '2017-12-27 10:34:32', '0000-00-00'), (15, 9, '0002-FC3W-8PZM-TGYK', 2, 194, NULL, 1, '2017-12-27 14:24:00', '2017-12-27 14:24:00', '0000-00-00'), (16, 9, '0002-HKXA-ZBDV-HJ8X', 2, 194, NULL, 1, '2017-12-27 14:24:00', '2017-12-27 14:24:00', '0000-00-00'), (17, 9, '0002-QLZL-WCNE-R4MF', 2, 171, 1, 1, '2017-12-27 14:24:00', '2017-12-27 14:24:00', '0000-00-00'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `product_keys` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.product_key_batches CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `product_key_batches` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `created_by_user_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `status` int(11) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=10 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.product_key_batches: ~8 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `product_key_batches` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `product_key_batches` (`id`, `name`, `created_by_user_id`, `status`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, 'TW1', 1, 1, '2017-12-26 16:34:07', '2017-12-26 16:34:07'), (2, 'TW2', 1, 1, '2017-12-26 16:34:25', '2017-12-26 16:34:25'), (3, 'Test Again', 1, 1, '2017-12-26 17:48:17', '2017-12-26 17:48:17'), (5, 'ATM0', 1, 1, '2017-12-27 10:31:47', '2017-12-27 10:31:47'), (6, 'ATM0', 1, 1, '2017-12-27 10:32:32', '2017-12-27 10:32:32'), (7, 'ATM0', 1, 1, '2017-12-27 10:33:47', '2017-12-27 10:33:47'), (8, 'ATM0', 1, 1, '2017-12-27 10:34:32', '2017-12-27 10:34:32'), (9, 'test', 1, 1, '2017-12-27 14:23:59', '2017-12-27 14:23:59'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `product_key_batches` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.product_key_packages CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `product_key_packages` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `product_key_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `package_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=38 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.product_key_packages: ~29 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `product_key_packages` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `product_key_packages` (`id`, `product_key_id`, `package_id`) VALUES (2, 2, 6), (3, 3, 8), (4, 4, 8), (5, 5, 8), (6, 6, 8), (14, 1, 8), (15, 7, 7), (16, 8, 7), (17, 9, 7), (18, 10, 7), (19, 11, 7), (20, 12, 7), (21, 13, 7), (22, 14, 7), (23, 12, 7), (24, 13, 7), (25, 14, 7), (26, 12, 7), (27, 13, 7), (28, 14, 7), (29, 12, 7), (30, 13, 7), (31, 14, 7), (32, 12, 7), (33, 13, 7), (34, 14, 7), (35, 15, 5), (36, 16, 5), (37, 17, 5); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `product_key_packages` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.product_key_subscriptions CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `product_key_subscriptions` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `product_key_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `package_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `subscription_type_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `start` date NOT NULL, `end` date NOT NULL, `added_by` int(11) NOT NULL, `last_notification_type_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `renew_status` int(11) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `product_key_fk` (`product_key_id`), KEY `subscription_type_fk` (`subscription_type_id`), KEY `users_fk` (`added_by`), KEY `start` (`start`), KEY `end` (`end`), KEY `last_notification_type_id` (`last_notification_type_id`,`renew_status`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=52 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.product_key_subscriptions: ~8 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `product_key_subscriptions` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `product_key_subscriptions` (`id`, `product_key_id`, `package_id`, `subscription_type_id`, `start`, `end`, `added_by`, `last_notification_type_id`, `renew_status`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (42, 327, 0, NULL, '2017-11-14', '2017-11-14', 1, NULL, 0, '2017-11-14 15:38:02', '2017-11-14 15:38:02'), (43, 329, 0, NULL, '2017-11-14', '2017-11-14', 1, NULL, 0, '2017-11-14 15:38:02', '2017-11-14 15:38:02'), (44, 319, 0, NULL, '2017-11-14', '2017-10-14', 1, NULL, 0, '2017-11-14 15:38:02', '2017-11-14 15:38:02'), (47, 327, 0, NULL, '2017-12-19', '2017-12-19', 1, NULL, 0, '2017-12-19 15:07:09', '2017-12-19 15:07:09'), (48, 319, 0, NULL, '2017-12-19', '2017-12-19', 1, NULL, 0, '2017-12-19 15:07:10', '2017-12-19 15:07:10'), (49, 327, 0, NULL, '2016-12-19', '2016-12-19', 1, NULL, 0, '2017-12-19 15:07:09', '2017-12-19 15:07:09'), (50, 327, 0, NULL, '2017-12-21', '2017-12-20', 1, NULL, 0, '2017-12-21 15:58:38', '2017-12-21 15:58:38'), (51, 17, 7, 0, '2017-12-27', '2017-12-27', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-27 14:43:40', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `product_key_subscriptions` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.remote_commands CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `remote_commands` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `device_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `remote_command_type_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `parameters` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.remote_commands: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `remote_commands` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `remote_commands` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.remote_command_types CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `remote_command_types` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `description` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `min_version_no` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.remote_command_types: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `remote_command_types` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `remote_command_types` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.resellers CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `resellers` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `code` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `company_name` varchar(55) NOT NULL, `reseller_status_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `reseller_type_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `parent_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `logo` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `address` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `postcode` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `city` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `country` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `phone_number` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `reseller_code` (`code`) USING BTREE, KEY `status_fk` (`reseller_status_id`), KEY `type_fk` (`reseller_type_id`), KEY `parent_fk` (`parent_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=8 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.resellers: ~7 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `resellers` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `resellers` (`id`, `code`, `company_name`, `reseller_status_id`, `reseller_type_id`, `parent_id`, `logo`, `address`, `postcode`, `city`, `country`, `phone_number`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, '0001', 'Master Reseller 1', 1, 1, 0, '', 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '2017-09-27 16:51:22', '2017-09-27 16:51:22'), (2, '0002', 'Reseller 1', 1, 2, 1, NULL, 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '2017-09-27 16:52:15', '2017-09-27 16:52:15'), (3, '0003', 'Reseller 2', 1, 2, 1, NULL, 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '2017-09-27 17:48:30', '2017-09-27 17:48:30'), (4, '0004', 'Yana Master Reseller', 1, 1, 0, '', 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '2017-10-10 17:44:41', '2017-10-10 17:44:41'), (5, '0005', 'Yana Reseller', 1, 2, 4, NULL, 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '2017-10-10 17:45:44', '2017-10-10 17:45:44'), (6, '0006', 'Yana Reseller 2', 1, 2, 4, NULL, 'mlh', '47410', 'Petaling Jaya', 'Malaysia', '199117851', '2017-10-10 18:18:09', '2017-10-10 18:18:09'), (7, '0007', 'try', 1, 1, 0, 'mlj', 'mlh', '23000', 'pj', 'malaysia', '0199117851', '2017-11-17 13:26:49', '2017-11-17 13:26:49'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `resellers` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.reseller_statuses CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reseller_statuses` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.reseller_statuses: ~2 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `reseller_statuses` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `reseller_statuses` (`id`, `name`, `description`) VALUES (1, 'Active', 'The reseller is active'), (2, 'Disabled', 'The account is put to on hold'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `reseller_statuses` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.reseller_subscriptions CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reseller_subscriptions` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `reseller_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `package_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `subscription_type_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `start` date NOT NULL, `end` date NOT NULL, `added_by` int(11) NOT NULL, `last_notification_type_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `renew_status` int(11) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `client_fk` (`reseller_id`), KEY `reseller_fk` (`package_id`), KEY `subscription_type_fk` (`subscription_type_id`), KEY `users_fk` (`added_by`), KEY `start` (`start`), KEY `end` (`end`), KEY `last_notification_type_id` (`last_notification_type_id`,`renew_status`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=7 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT COMMENT='Clients subscription information'; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.reseller_subscriptions: ~6 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `reseller_subscriptions` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `reseller_subscriptions` (`id`, `reseller_id`, `package_id`, `subscription_type_id`, `start`, `end`, `added_by`, `last_notification_type_id`, `renew_status`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, 2, 2, 0, '2017-09-27', '2017-09-27', 1, 0, 0, '2017-09-27 16:52:15', '2017-09-27 16:52:15'), (2, 3, 2, 0, '2017-09-27', '2017-09-27', 1, 0, 0, '2017-09-27 17:48:30', '2017-09-27 17:48:30'), (3, 5, 2, 0, '2017-10-10', '2017-10-10', 1, 0, 0, '2017-10-10 17:45:44', '2017-10-10 17:45:44'), (4, 6, 2, 0, '2017-10-10', '2017-10-20', 5, 0, 0, '2017-10-10 18:18:09', '2017-10-10 18:18:09'), (5, 6, 2, 0, '2017-11-17', '2018-11-17', 1, 0, 0, '2017-11-17 13:26:02', '2017-11-17 13:26:02'), (6, 2, 2, 0, '2017-12-20', '2018-12-20', 1, 0, 0, '2017-12-20 17:43:46', '2017-12-20 17:43:46'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `reseller_subscriptions` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.reseller_types CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reseller_types` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(24) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.reseller_types: ~2 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `reseller_types` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `reseller_types` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (1, 'Master Reseller'), (2, 'Downline Reseller'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `reseller_types` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.roles CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `roles` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(55) NOT NULL, `alias` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=8 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.roles: ~7 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `roles` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `roles` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `alias`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, 'Super Admin', '', 'super_admin', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'), (2, 'System Admin', '', 'system_admin', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'), (3, 'Master Reseller', '', 'master_reseller', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'), (4, 'Reseller', '', 'reseller', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'), (5, 'Client', '', 'client', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'), (6, 'Technical', '', 'technical', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'), (7, 'Content', '', 'content', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `roles` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.slottextstyles CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `slottextstyles` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `text_size` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `text_style` varchar(25) DEFAULT '', `text_color` varchar(7) DEFAULT '', `shadow_color` varchar(7) DEFAULT '', `shadow_dx` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `shadow_dy` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `shadow_radius` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `font_face` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', `max_width` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `max_height` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `pos_x` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `pos_y` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `gravity` varchar(255) DEFAULT '', `user_created` int(11) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=9 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.slottextstyles: ~8 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `slottextstyles` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `slottextstyles` (`id`, `name`, `text_size`, `text_style`, `text_color`, `shadow_color`, `shadow_dx`, `shadow_dy`, `shadow_radius`, `font_face`, `max_width`, `max_height`, `pos_x`, `pos_y`, `gravity`, `user_created`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, 'Main Page Buttons', 20, 'normal', '#4D4D4D', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 270, NULL, NULL, 215, '1', 0, '2017-07-21 13:04:22', '2017-07-21 13:04:22'), (2, 'You are here', 20, 'normal', '#CC0000', '#FFFFFF', 3, 3, 5, '', 200, NULL, NULL, 50, '1', 0, '2017-07-21 13:04:22', '2017-07-21 13:04:22'), (3, 'Facility (Legend)', 15, 'normal', '#4D4D4D', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 270, NULL, NULL, 127, '1', 0, '2017-07-21 13:04:22', '2017-07-21 13:04:22'), (4, 'Floor Icon F&B', 26, 'normal', '#4D4D4D', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 180, 0, 0, 90, '1', 0, '2017-07-21 13:04:22', '2017-07-21 13:04:22'), (5, 'Home Button', 15, 'normal', '#4D4D4D', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 130, NULL, NULL, 58, '1', 0, '2017-07-21 13:04:22', '2017-07-21 13:04:22'), (6, 'Home Button White', 20, 'normal', '#FFFFFF', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 130, NULL, NULL, 53, '1', 0, '2017-07-21 13:04:22', '2017-07-21 13:04:22'), (7, 'Button You Are Here', 26, 'normal', '#15B1D4', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 200, NULL, NULL, 130, '17', 0, '2017-07-21 13:04:22', '2017-07-21 13:04:22'), (8, 'Home Button White', 36, 'normal', '#4D4D4D', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, '', 180, NULL, NULL, 30, '17', 0, '2017-07-21 13:04:22', '2017-07-21 13:04:22'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `slottextstyles` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.slottypes CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `slottypes` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `description` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `status` varchar(250) NOT NULL, `user_created` int(10) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `date_modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=10 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.slottypes: ~9 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `slottypes` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `slottypes` (`id`, `name`, `description`, `status`, `user_created`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, 'PAGER', 'PAGER: Single or multiple page content', '', 0, '2017-05-25 13:26:31', '2017-05-25 13:26:33'), (2, 'LIST', 'LIST: Vertically scrollable multiple content list', '', 0, '2017-05-25 13:26:52', '2017-05-25 13:26:53'), (3, 'GRIDVIEW', 'GRID: Grid/table ordered content', '', 0, '2017-05-25 13:26:52', '2017-05-25 13:26:52'), (4, 'LISTVIEWHORIZONTAL', 'HORIZONTAL LIST: Horizantal scrollable left/right', '', 0, '2017-05-25 13:26:52', '2017-05-25 13:26:52'), (5, 'SCROLLTEXT', 'Scrolltext area', '', 0, '2017-05-25 13:31:15', '2017-05-25 13:31:16'), (6, 'BUTTON_BACK', 'Back button', '', 0, '2017-05-25 13:31:32', '2017-05-25 13:31:33'), (7, 'BUTTON_HOME', 'Home button', '', 0, '2017-05-25 13:31:49', '2017-05-25 13:31:50'), (8, 'DYNAMIC', 'Dynamic', '', 0, '2017-05-25 13:32:02', '2017-05-25 13:32:03'), (9, 'VIEW360', '360° View', '', 0, '2017-05-25 13:32:19', '2017-05-25 13:32:20'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `slottypes` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.subscription_package_clients CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `subscription_package_clients` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(25) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=7 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.subscription_package_clients: ~6 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `subscription_package_clients` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `subscription_package_clients` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (1, 'Rental i3D'), (2, 'Buy i3D'), (3, 'Trial i3D'), (4, 'Rental i3D & i3Selfie'), (5, 'Buy i3D & i3Selfie'), (6, 'Trial i3D & i3Selfie'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `subscription_package_clients` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.subscription_package_resellers CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `subscription_package_resellers` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(25) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.subscription_package_resellers: ~5 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `subscription_package_resellers` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `subscription_package_resellers` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (1, 'Rental (Monthly)'), (2, 'Rental (Yearly)'), (3, 'Buy'), (4, 'Trial'), (5, 'Trial (Extended)'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `subscription_package_resellers` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.subscription_resellers CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `subscription_resellers` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `reseller_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `package_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `subscription_type_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `start` date NOT NULL, `end` date NOT NULL, `added_by` int(11) NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `client_fk` (`reseller_id`), KEY `reseller_fk` (`package_id`), KEY `subscription_type_fk` (`subscription_type_id`), KEY `users_fk` (`added_by`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Reseller subscription information'; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.subscription_resellers: ~0 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `subscription_resellers` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `subscription_resellers` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.subscription_types CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `subscription_types` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(25) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=6 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.subscription_types: ~5 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `subscription_types` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `subscription_types` (`id`, `name`) VALUES (1, 'Rental (Monthly)'), (2, 'Rental (Yearly)'), (3, 'Buy'), (4, 'Trial'), (5, 'Trial (Extended)'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `subscription_types` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.templates CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `templates` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `is_sub_page` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `plugin_ref` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `orientation` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `width` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `height` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `is_dynamic` tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL, `adv_status` varchar(150) DEFAULT NULL, `remark` varchar(250) DEFAULT NULL, `user_created` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `date_created` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `user_modified` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `date_modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `plugin_ref` (`plugin_ref`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=67 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.templates: ~57 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `templates` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `templates` (`id`, `is_sub_page`, `plugin_ref`, `name`, `orientation`, `width`, `height`, `is_dynamic`, `adv_status`, `remark`, `user_created`, `date_created`, `user_modified`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, NULL, NULL, 'Template 1V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', '1 Slot - Vertical', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (2, NULL, NULL, 'Template 2V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', '2 Slot - Vertical', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (3, NULL, NULL, 'Template 3V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', '3 Slot - Vertical', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (4, NULL, NULL, 'Template 4V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', '4 Slot - Vertical', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (5, NULL, NULL, 'Template 5V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', '5 Slot - Vertical', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (10, NULL, NULL, 'Template 6V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', '10 Slot - Vertical', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (13, NULL, NULL, 'Template 1H', 'HORIZONTAL', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 'Template 1H', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (14, NULL, NULL, 'Template 2H', 'HORIZONTAL', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 'Template 2H', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (15, NULL, NULL, 'Template 3H', 'HORIZONTAL', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 'Template 3H', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (16, NULL, NULL, 'Template 7V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 'Template 7V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (17, NULL, NULL, 'Template 8V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 'Template 8V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (18, NULL, NULL, 'Template 9V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 'Template 9V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (19, NULL, NULL, 'Template 10V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 'Template 10V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (20, NULL, NULL, 'Template 11V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, NULL, '0', 'Template 11V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (21, NULL, NULL, 'Quiz Template', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, NULL, '1', 'Quiz Template', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (23, NULL, NULL, 'Template 13V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 13V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (24, NULL, NULL, 'Template 14V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 14V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (25, NULL, NULL, 'Template 15V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 15V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (26, NULL, NULL, 'Template 16V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 16V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (27, NULL, NULL, 'Template 17V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 17V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (28, NULL, NULL, 'Template 18V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 18V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (29, NULL, NULL, 'Template 19V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 19V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (30, NULL, NULL, 'Template 20V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 20V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (31, NULL, NULL, 'Template 21V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 21V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (32, NULL, NULL, 'Template 22V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 22V', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (33, NULL, NULL, 'Template 4H', 'HORIZONTAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 4H', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (34, NULL, NULL, 'Template 5H', 'HORIZONTAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 5H', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (35, NULL, NULL, 'Template 6H', 'HORIZONTAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 5H', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (36, NULL, NULL, 'Template 7H', 'HORIZONTAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 7H', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (37, NULL, NULL, 'Template 23V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', '', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (38, NULL, NULL, 'Template 24V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 24V', NULL, '2016-09-06 15:03:32', NULL, NULL), (39, NULL, NULL, 'Template 25V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 25V', NULL, '2016-09-07 10:25:15', NULL, NULL), (40, NULL, NULL, 'Template 26V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 26V for vertical orientation', NULL, '2016-09-19 10:04:15', NULL, NULL), (41, NULL, NULL, 'Template 27V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 27V for vertical orientation', NULL, '2016-09-19 10:27:16', NULL, NULL), (42, NULL, NULL, 'Template 28V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 28V for vertical orientation', NULL, '2016-09-19 10:34:16', NULL, NULL), (43, NULL, NULL, 'Template 29V', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 29V', NULL, '2016-10-21 12:46:13', NULL, NULL), (44, NULL, NULL, 'Template 1M', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Template 1M', NULL, '2016-10-26 17:09:15', NULL, NULL), (45, NULL, NULL, 'Guest Rotator #1', 'VERTICAL', NULL, NULL, 1, '0', 'Guest Rotator With Header & Footer', NULL, '2016-11-04 15:38:16', NULL, NULL), (46, 1, 'MALL_FLOOR', 'MALL_FLOOR', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 1312, 1, '0', 'Main page layout for mall directory', NULL, '2016-11-16 17:12:21', NULL, NULL), (47, 1, 'SHOP_DETAIL', 'SHOP_DETAIL_SHOWDC', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 1312, 1, '0', 'Shop page layout for mall directory', NULL, '2016-11-16 17:12:21', NULL, NULL), (48, 1, 'SHOP_DETAIL', 'SHOP_DETAIL_CBNP2', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 1312, 1, '0', 'Shop page layout for mall directory', NULL, '2016-11-16 17:12:21', NULL, NULL), (49, 0, NULL, 'SHOW_DC_MAIN', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 1920, 1, '0', '', NULL, '2016-11-17 16:12:11', NULL, NULL), (50, 1, NULL, 'SHOW_DC_HOME', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 1312, 1, '0', '', NULL, '2016-11-24 16:12:11', NULL, NULL), (51, 1, '', 'SHOW_DC_GRID', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 1312, 1, '0', 'Gridview', NULL, '2016-12-05 15:20:04', NULL, '2016-12-05 15:20:09'), (52, 1, NULL, 'SHOW_DC_PROMOTION_DETAIL', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 1312, 1, '0', 'Promotion details', NULL, '2016-12-05 16:34:45', NULL, '2016-12-05 16:34:48'), (53, 1, NULL, 'SHOW_DC_FOOD_BEVERAGE', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 1312, 1, '0', 'Food and Beverage ', NULL, '2016-12-07 15:01:48', NULL, '2016-12-07 15:01:49'), (54, 1, NULL, 'SHOW_DC_EVENT_SHOW', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 1312, 1, '0', 'Template for show dc event and show', NULL, '2016-12-08 18:25:20', NULL, '2016-12-08 18:25:22'), (55, 1, NULL, 'SHOW_DC_EVENT_SHOW_DETAIL', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 1312, 1, '0', 'Template show event detail', NULL, '2016-12-08 19:12:39', NULL, '2016-12-08 19:12:41'), (56, 1, NULL, 'SHOW_DC_CARD_APPS', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 1312, 1, '0', 'Template for page card apps', NULL, '2016-12-09 12:08:11', NULL, '2016-12-09 12:08:14'), (57, 1, NULL, 'SHOW_DC_SHUTTLE_BUS', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 1312, 1, '0', 'Template for shuttle bus', NULL, '2016-12-09 16:53:42', NULL, '2016-12-09 16:53:43'), (58, 1, NULL, 'SHOW_DC_ABOUT', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 1312, 1, '0', 'Template for about show dc', NULL, '2016-12-12 13:16:15', NULL, NULL), (61, 1, 'NFC', 'NFC_HOME', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 640, 1, '0', 'Home page ', NULL, '2016-12-30 12:07:58', NULL, NULL), (62, 1, 'NFC', 'NFC_TOUCH', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 640, 1, '0', 'Waiting for user touch the card', NULL, '2016-12-30 12:20:18', NULL, NULL), (63, 1, 'NFC', 'NFC_CARD_MENU', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 640, 1, '0', '', NULL, '2016-12-30 12:24:13', NULL, NULL), (64, 1, 'NFC', 'NFC_TOPUP_MENU', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 640, 1, '0', 'Menu for user topup', NULL, '2016-12-30 12:33:09', NULL, NULL), (65, 1, NULL, 'NFC_MAIN', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 1920, 1, '0', '', NULL, '2016-12-30 16:25:34', NULL, NULL), (66, 1, NULL, 'V10_HOME', 'VERTICAL', 1080, 1280, 1, '0', 'This is testing template for HOME fmt_v10', NULL, '2017-01-18 10:20:36', NULL, NULL); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `templates` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.usergroups CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `usergroups` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `ref_keyword` varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, `ref_group` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `date_modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `user_modified` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `date_created` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `user_created` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `group` (`ref_group`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=50 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.usergroups: ~4 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `usergroups` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `usergroups` (`id`, `name`, `ref_keyword`, `ref_group`, `date_modified`, `user_modified`, `date_created`, `user_created`) VALUES (5, 'Superadmin', NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (6, 'Manager', NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (45, 'Editor', NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), (49, 'Viewer', NULL, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `usergroups` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.users CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `password` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `name` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `status` int(11) NOT NULL, `reset_password_key` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, `date_created` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `date_modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=130 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.users: ~6 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `password`, `email`, `name`, `status`, `reset_password_key`, `date_created`, `date_modified`) VALUES (1, '$2y$10$ZE1HyQe7OqX8a.6/cFtpPOcL/kT2QWSx8JnsS7FzB3Mb/asl3zoWm', 'anif@m3tech.com.my', 'Anif (Super Admin) Unlimited Power', 1, '', '2016-08-22 10:04:14', '2017-01-10 14:30:08'), (2, '$2y$10$C3xHY.Wm6SaOkWANP5TuYeIcqb/K6Ts7nyGPFOKZrPd2VT/X6exI6', 'fatahul@m3tech.com.my', 'Fatahul', 1, '', NULL, '2017-04-07 11:16:52'), (8, '$2y$10$J8pCxpzvQv.995XvYhMe7.dhD15ThtdBREd6iU4lUnhLF.js6e/Ue', 'diyanah@m3online.com', 'Diyanah', 1, NULL, '2017-11-07 16:25:20', '2017-11-07 16:25:35'), (127, '$2y$10$lzQrY.GFZaAF5IhnrFcZ/uLvf5JSz6qG1fhEImeXFOGWxiOvuAJza', 'dian.diyanah@gmail.com', 'diyana', 1, NULL, '2017-12-18 11:09:31', '2017-12-18 11:09:31'), (128, '$2y$10$tY1.ZDRbYFBZyww93kW8w.Vnk/bRHUlqpa1BSPYofwSSE8G3lQdKO', 'officialnordiyanah@gmail.com', 'Diyana', 1, NULL, '2017-12-20 17:45:14', '2017-12-21 09:01:10'), (129, '$2y$10$kV5XLRsMhxCHReMXbSdZ/elZ5zxqDqwiCTyXGaY6S8Aa594JYackq', 'sweetannadiane@gmail.com', 'yana', 1, NULL, '2017-12-21 08:59:58', '2017-12-21 09:01:34'); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.users_clients CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users_clients` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `client_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=108 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.users_clients: ~41 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users_clients` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `users_clients` (`id`, `user_id`, `client_id`) VALUES (8, 11, 7), (9, 12, 8), (10, 13, 9), (11, 14, 10), (12, 15, 11), (13, 16, 12), (14, 17, 13), (15, 19, 1), (16, 22, 2), (17, 23, 3), (18, 24, 4), (19, 25, 102), (20, 26, 103), (51, 61, 141), (61, 71, 151), (71, 81, 161), (75, 91, 163), (77, 93, 165), (79, 95, 167), (81, 97, 169), (83, 101, 171), (86, 104, 174), (87, 105, 175), (88, 107, 176), (89, 111, 177), (90, 112, 178), (91, 8, 179), (93, 113, 179), (94, 114, 181), (95, 115, 182), (96, 116, 183), (97, 117, 184), (98, 118, 185), (99, 119, 186), (100, 120, 187), (101, 121, 188), (102, 122, 189), (103, 123, 190), (104, 124, 191), (105, 125, 192), (107, 127, 194); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users_clients` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.users_resellers CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users_resellers` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `reseller_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=47 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.users_resellers: ~16 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users_resellers` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `users_resellers` (`id`, `user_id`, `reseller_id`) VALUES (26, 106, 8), (27, 108, 9), (30, 103, 1), (31, 103, 9), (32, 109, 1), (33, 110, 2), (34, 114, 3), (35, 3, 4), (36, 4, 5), (37, 5, 4), (38, 6, 6), (39, 8, 4), (40, 9, 2), (41, 10, 7), (44, 129, 2), (46, 128, 1); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users_resellers` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.users_roles CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `users_roles` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `role_id` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `user_fk` (`user_id`), KEY `role_fk` (`role_id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=160 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='User can has many roles reference'; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.users_roles: ~52 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users_roles` DISABLE KEYS */; INSERT INTO `users_roles` (`id`, `user_id`, `role_id`) VALUES (1, 1, 1), (4, 3, 4), (7, 6, 4), (8, 7, 4), (10, 9, 4), (11, 10, 4), (12, 11, 4), (13, 12, 4), (14, 13, 4), (15, 14, 4), (16, 15, 4), (17, 16, 4), (19, 17, 4), (20, 18, 4), (23, 19, 4), (24, 20, 4), (26, 21, 4), (27, 5, 3), (28, 26, 4), (61, 61, 4), (71, 71, 4), (81, 81, 4), (108, 83, 3), (109, 82, 3), (110, 84, 3), (111, 85, 4), (113, 2, 4), (115, 87, 4), (117, 89, 4), (119, 95, 4), (121, 97, 4), (125, 99, 3), (127, 101, 4), (130, 104, 4), (131, 105, 4), (132, 106, 4), (133, 107, 4), (134, 108, 4), (136, 103, 3), (137, 109, 4), (138, 110, 4), (139, 111, 4), (140, 112, 4), (141, 113, 4), (142, 114, 4), (143, 4, 4), (146, 8, 3), (147, 124, 5), (148, 125, 5), (150, 127, 5), (154, 129, 4), (159, 128, 3); /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `users_roles` ENABLE KEYS */; -- Dumping structure for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.versions CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `versions` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `branch` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `version_number` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `description` text NOT NULL, `date_created` datetime NOT NULL, `date_modified` datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `branch` (`branch`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- Dumping data for table i3d_reseller_m3tech.versions: ~179 rows (approximately) /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `versions` DISABLE KEYS */; /*!40000 ALTER TABLE `versions` ENABLE KEYS */; /*!40101 SET SQL_MODE=IFNULL(@OLD_SQL_MODE, '') */; /*!40014 SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=IF(@OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS IS NULL, 1, @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS) */; /*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */;